It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA!
It’s Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme started by Sheila at Book Journeys and now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It’s also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…you just might discover the next “must-read” book!
Kellee and Jen, of Teach Mentor Texts, decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join us! We love this meme and think you will, too.
We encourage everyone who participates to support the blogging community by visiting at least three of the other book bloggers that link up and leave comments for them.
Last Week’s Posts
**Click on any picture/link to view the post**
Tuesday: Favorite Sci-Fi Books
Thursday: Shy by Deborah Freedman
Friday: A Child of Books by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston
Last Week’s Journeys
Well, this week has not bee a great reading week. Work has taken up a lot of my free time because I have been reading my students’ reading autobiographies whenever I had free time (which I haven’t had a lot of). But I am currently reading a few! See below.
I received some great forthcoming picture books from Penguin this week! All were excellent. I will post full reviews closer to their publication dates this spring, but I thought it might be nice to feature them early, too!
I was very touched by Dad and the Dinosaur by Newbery Honor Winner Gennifer Choldenko. I love Caldecott Award Winner Dan Santat’s illustrations, so the book really worked for me. It is about a boy who hides his fears and only feels brave because of his toy dinosaur. I particularly liked the bond with his father, and I had my husband read the book to my son one night this week. They really enjoyed reading it together.
I adored Life on Mars by Jon Agee. It is a very funny story about an astronaut on mars who is searching for life. Little does he know, there is an alien/monster behind him most of the time. This would make a fantastic read aloud. I know my toddler was giggling the entire time we read it.
I had fun reading the poems of Feel the Beat: Dance Poems that Zing from Salsa to Swing by Marilyn Singer. This book is a must-have for any kids who enjoy or are interested in dances. As an adult, it took me back to my dancing lessons with my husband before we got married. The book features numerous dances from the Argentine Tango to the Two Step. I imagine this is going to be a favorite among many children.
This Week’s Expeditions
AH! See How They Run got so good so quickly! I once again don’t want to get out of my car because I just want to keep on listening. I have about 2 hours left, so I will definitely finish it this week. Then I’ll have to wait for the series to continue….
I’m almost done with Blood Brother which I’m reading for my Wednesday review. I look forward to sharing this text with you all!
I’m very excited to be moderating a panel with Brendan Kiely at ALAN about modern love stories, so I am currently reading his newest The Last True Love Story. It is on pause, so I can finish Blood Brother, but as soon as I finish it, I’ll be back!
Trent and I also have two piles of picture books to read! First, we visited the public library and Trent went wild with picking books! I also received some picture books I have been wanting to read so badly, so I cannot wait!
I am still making headway on a few of the books I posted last week, but I thought I’d also add this book (Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow) that I am listening to on audio. It’s a very dark novel, and I am really invested in the story. I look forward to finishing it!
Upcoming Week’s Posts
Tuesday: Ten Audiobooks We Love
Wednesday: Blog Tour with Review!: Blood Brother: Jonathan Daniels and his Sacrifice for Civil Rights by Rich Wallace and Sandra Neil Wallace
Thursday: Truth or Dare by Barbara Dee
Friday: Blog Tour with Review and Giveaway!: Olivia Decoded by Vivi Barnes
Sunday: Author Guest Post!
So, what are you reading?
Link up below and go check out what everyone else is reading. Please support other bloggers by viewing and commenting on at least 3 other blogs. If you tweet about your Monday post, tag the tweet with #IMWAYR!
Thanks for sharing those coming books, Ricki, and See How They Run does sound exciting, Kellee. Thanks for all the new titles.
FYI-the linkup is timed incorrectly.
Sorry about that! It should be working now!
Absolutely! Happy to share!
Love the Were-hyena cover that changes! Very cool! You should both pick up Anderson’s Insert Coin to Continue. He’s my new favorite author.
Sorry everyone! I fixed the linky!
Kellee – I STILL haven’t gotten through my piled-up e-mails for YA review books/audios or the fall catalogs, so I STILL haven’t gotten See How They Run! I keep thinking I will catch up, then someone else comes home sick…
(Reading autobiographies! How cool! I want to be in a class taught by one or both of you, for sure)
Ricki – I thought Girl in Pieces sounded familiar, but I was thinking of Girl, Interrupted (which was made into a movie) – turns out Girl in Pieces is being compared to Girl, Interrupted in reviews! So, I wasn’t that far off. Sounds like a good one.
Hope you both enjoy your books this week –
Book By Book
Yes! They absolutely are similar. I am enjoying it thus far!
Kelle I would be green with envy, except that See How They Run is now ready for me to download from the VPL! Ricki, those look like great picture books. I am trying to convince my partner to take dancing lessons now that we are both retired, but so far, I’m not having much luck.
It sounds like a great holiday gift.

Feel the Beat looks awesome. I can’t wait to read that one. And A Child of Books? *Sigh* Major heartprint book.
I need to read A Child of Books!
Ricki – is Girl in Pieces not breaking you? Such a strong book.
I’m looking forward to hearing about Truth or Dare. Looks interesting.
Hope you guys have a good reading week!
It is such a powerful book, isn’t it?
Dad and the Dinosaur looks cute. I just reviewed Purrball Meets Burrball, that is a great book.
It was a great read!
Feel the Beat looks like one I’m really going to enjoy. I’ll be looking for it now. Thanks!
Absolutely! I am happy to share!
Some great reads featured here. Love the concept of Dad and the Dinosaur. Will need to keep looking for it when it comes out. Happy reading to you both. I relate to the busy, busy, busy!
So many books, right? I have been busy, busy, busy, too. I love the solace that comes with reading, though.
Blood Brother and Feel the Beat look like great reads. Best of luck on moderating the panel on Love!