Top Ten Tuesday: Books We Wish Had Sequels


top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.

 Today’s Topic: Books We Wish Had Sequels

They were complete, but we really aren’t ready to leave the characters and their worlds…

Don’t worry. No spoilers!



1. Stolen: A Letter to my Captor by Lucy Christopher: Students come into my room with smoke coming out of their ears after reading this book. Many of them despise the ending. I love the whole book (ending included), but I often wonder if something interesting could happen after the story ended—a twist, perhaps? I have a really good plot idea for the sequel, and if it weren’t considered unprofessional, I would call up Lucy Christopher and tell her where she could take this one next.

2. Bronxwood by Coe Booth: Five years after Tyrell was published, Coe Booth answered readers’ demands with Bronxwood, the sequel. I absolutely love this series and could read a hundred books about Tyrell. He truly reflects the experiences of many of the teens in my school. So, pretty please, Coe Booth, could you write a third book about Tyrell?

3. Graceling, Fire, and Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore: I am sorry…I know I mention these ones frequently. But I’d love another companion book within this realm. The day it comes out, I promise to lock myself in my bedroom to get lost in one of Kristin Cashore’s worlds.

4. Right Behind You by Gail Giles: So many students come to me with the question, “What happens next?” when they finish this one. It is very popular in my classroom, particularly with reluctant readers, so selfishly, I would really like a sequel.

5. Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork: I loved reading about Marcelo. His story was complete, but I often think about him and wonder where he is now. I’d love to read about what happens next in his life. Perhaps, Marcelo in the College World would be a great title. We (or you) could really make something out of this, Francisco X. Stork–a whole line of Marcelo stories.


1. Ghetto Cowboy by G. Neri: This book is the one that my students love and ask for a sequel. The unique subject matter, setting, and great cast of characters are one that not only interests my students, but one they connect with. I would love to see what happens to Coltrane as would they.

2. Wonder Show by Hannah Barnaby: This one ends so beautifully and I love it so much; however, the crazy cast of characters and setting (depression-era traveling wonder show) makes it so I wish there was another book. 

3. Down the Mysterly River by Bill Willingham: This one ends like it is going to have a sequel- is there going to be one?!?! It isn’t really a cliffhanger, but it felt like the book was built up for the ending reveal and then it ended. How could you make this amazing world and the crazy premise and not continue it?!?! Please Bill Willingham- sequel!

4. Bruiser by Neal Shusterman: I feel like a broken record, but once again I would love a sequel to Bruiser because of how unique the concept was and I just feel like I am not done with the characters and premise.

5. Trash by Andy Mulligan: I was so enthralled by the setting and characters in this book. The setting is unnamed (though it seems reminiscent of the Phillipines) and just as you are beginning to get to know more of the setting, the book ends! And the boys in Trash are such intriguing characters- I’d love to see how they grow up!


Which sequels are you craving?


4 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books We Wish Had Sequels”

  1. I’m totally on board with you and Cashore (clearly, since that’s all I talk about). I finally got my hands on Stolen. I can’t WAIT to read it, especially since I’ve heard such awesome reviews of it


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