Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Things on our Reading Wishlist


top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.

 Today’s Topic: Ten Things on our Reading Wish List


1. More multicultural YA books

I will read any book that is multicultural and young adult. I love how many there are, but I always want more, more, more. What can I say? I am greedy!

2. More Native American authors who write YAL

Because I am Native American, I am always focused on this particular concern. There are a few (GREAT) prolific Native American authors who write YA, but there aren’t many.

3. More books that deal with social justice and advocacy

These are my favorite books to teach, and I love reading them.

4. More books by Ruta Sepetys

This woman rocks my world. She makes historical fiction fun for all!

5. A new series by Aaron Becker

Since the Journey series is a trilogy, I can hope for a new series by Aaron Becker, right? My son would be THRILLED.


1. More Kristin Cashore books

This one is going to come true soon! September 19th, 2017! Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore from Kathy Dawson Books! I cannot wait!

2. More Seeds of America books

I don’t think this wish will come true, but I love Isabel and Curzon. And I want to know what happens. But maybe if we wait 6 more years, Laurie will get another urge to tell more 🙂

3. More MG and YA graphic novels for 11-14 year olds

My students LOVE graphic novels. We just want more and more and more!

4. More nonfiction that suck my students in

This is the hardest! Middle schoolers generally just have very little interest in nonfiction. It has to be really special for them to like it. The Who Was? series is popular with 6th graders; The Plot to Kill Hitler and a few other WWII books have had some popularity; and some memoirs like brown girl dreaming and A Child Called It are popular, but the other books, even ones I book talk and love, are touch and go. I can get a reader here or there, but they just don’t have the legs my fiction have.

5. More ebooks at my Library

I have a confession. I read almost all ebooks now. I have not found any difference in my comprehension of the story, and IT IS SO MUCH EASIER! I have the Kindle app on my phone, download books from my library, and voila! I have them anywhere I am because I always have my phone. And I can read in the dark!

What is on your wish list?

RickiSig and Signature

7 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Things on our Reading Wishlist”

  1. I am so excited for new Cashore!!! I am trying to wait to read the book, since it is a Sept release, but it’s hard to resist. I wish my library had a better selection of ebooks, because I prefer to read electronically, but at least I can use both Overdrive and Hoopla through my library.
    Sam @ WLABB

  2. Ricki – I had no idea you were Native American. It’s not YA, but have you read LaRose by Louise Erdrich? I listened to it on audio & just gave a copy to my mom for her birthday last week! It’s a wonderful novel – powerful, moving, and tender.

    Kellee – I’m with you on graphic novels! I just put in my requests with First Second, and I can’t wait for them to arrive!

    Great list!


    Book By Book


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