Top Ten Tuesday: Books We Can’t Believe We Read


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl. This feature allows us to make lists, which may be one of our favorite things to do!

 Today’s Topic: Ten Books We Can’t Believe We Read


1. Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

It took me a long time to get through this book. I think I read it in year two of the blog. It was on my “currently reading” section of the IMWAYR post for a solid four months. I was teaching high school at the time, and I remember a student saying, “How are you still reading that?” I took a lot of breaks, but I finished it. Finally.

2. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

I listened to this book on audio. As a tip, if you want to read this book, get it in print. It is incredibly difficult to understand Ray Bradbury’s voice.

3. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

I have read several Charles Dickens books. I really want to enjoy them, but I find them very difficult to enjoy for whatever reason. I read this book on my honeymoon, too. Ha!

4. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

I read this in high school and loathed it. I wonder if I’d like it as an adult?

5. A Certain Book with “Grey” In Its Title

My only memory of this book was that it was ridiculous. There was one paragraph in which 8 sentences in a row started with “I.” This was a trendy book, though, so I decided it was in my best interest to read it. My husband made fun of me relentlessly. Needless to say, I had no interest in seeing the movies when they came out.


I’m taking this post topic as, “OMG! I cannot believe I finished it! Yay me!” These are all books that I read during my literature degree that I was so proud of myself for finishing!

1. The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner

If you have read Faulkner, you know how tough his style is! This was my first exposure, and I was so proud of reading it.

2. Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Although I ended up liking The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald is not my thing. I really love Hemingway’s bluntness and dialogue while Fitzgerald is a bit wordy for me. I had trouble finishing this novel, but was glad I did when I was finished.

3. The Prince by Machiavelli

Reading a book that some terrible people feel is the most important book ever is a bit tough.

4. The Monk by Matthew Lewis

I took a Gothic Literature class, and I ended up loving so much of what we read in that class with The Monk probably being my favorite. Super scandalous from 1796!

5. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

Like Fitzgerald, Dickens just isn’t my thing, but I ended up really loving Oliver Twist, and it actually started a huge research project for me looking at how prostitutes were written about and viewed in Victorian England.

Which books can you not believe that you read/finished?

RickiSig and Signature

6 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books We Can’t Believe We Read”

  1. Great selection. Sound and Fury was really tough sledding. Thank Goodness for audio! I always start Dickens with high expectations [pun intended] and then go to sleep. I am making determined progress with Les Miz thanks to the Serial Reader app [pay the small amount for the upgrade]. Great way to read classics. Still, I’m on year two of it as well! Ditto Scott’s Kenilworth.

  2. What a great post! I really enjoyed reading it.

    I read a LOT of Dickens in High School, and I remember that the first third of every Dickens novel was incredibly difficult to plow through, but then usually the plot & characters finally clicked and I ended up enjoying the second half of the novel. One of my high school friends says that David Copperfield is her favorite Dickens novel, and I DO have Oliver Twist waiting on my shelf, so I am interested in trying both of those. But A Tale of Two Cities is definitely NOT honeymoon reading!!

    As you know, I adore Bradbury’s novel and loved Fahrenheit 451 but admittedly, I have never tried him on audio.

    Ricki – I laughed out loud over your description of the Grey books because I have thought the same thing – everyone in the world has read these books – I should at least find out what all the fuss is about – still haven’t though!

    And I have heard Faulkner is REALLY difficult.

    Great list, both of you, and an amusing topic!


    Book By Book


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