It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 10/5/20


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
Sharing Picture Books, Early Readers, Middle Grade Books, and Young Adult Books for All Ages!

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly blog hop co-hosted by Unleashing Readers and Teach Mentor Texts which focuses on sharing books marketed for children and young adults. It offers opportunities to share and recommend books with each other.

The original IMWAYR, with an adult literature focus, was started by Sheila at Book Journeys and is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

We encourage you to write your own post sharing what you’re reading, link up below, leave a comment, and support other IMWAYR bloggers by visiting and commenting on at least three of the other linked blogs.

Happy reading!


Tuesday: Unicorns are the Worst! by Alex Willan

Thursday: LyricPop is Back with Respect, These Boots Were Made for Walkin’, Move the Crowd, and We Got the Beat

**Click on any picture/link to view the post**



  • Between the World and Me by Te-Nehisi Coates: The blurb on the front of this is from Toni Morrison, and she said that it is a required read. The only justice I can do to this text is to say that Toni Morrison is right. Written as a letter to his son, Coates’s memoir connects history to contemporary times and a deep look at race relations in our country as well as a look at his life. Like Adam Silvera said in his review, “If you’re waiting for the millionth person to tell you to read this book, allow me to be Person 1,000,000. The audiobook is narrated by the author, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and it made the experience deeper for me.”
  • The Truth According to Blue by Eve Yohalem: “Thirteen-year-old Blue Broen is on the hunt for a legendary ship of gold, lost centuries ago when her ancestors sailed to New York. Blue knows her overprotective parents won’t approve of her mission to find their family’s long-lost fortune, so she keeps it a secret from everyone except her constant companion, Otis, an 80-pound diabetic alert dog. But it’s hard to keep things quiet with rival treasure hunters on the loose, and with Blue’s reputation as the local poster child for a type 1 diabetes fundraiser.”
  • Avatar: The Lost Adventures: Such a fun graphic novel to read after finishing the series! All of the adventures were not in the show and just add some more fun to Aang’s story!
  • Thanks to Frances Perkins: Fighter for Workers’ Rights by Deborah Hopkinson, illustrated by Kristy Caldwell: Frances Perkins is an amazing woman that I am so happy to have learned about in this amazing picture book biography! Frances Perkins didn’t let anything get in her way, and she knew who she wanted to help and how to help and she got it done! Also, I would love to pair part of this story with Brave Girl by Michelle Markel.
  • Gnu and Shrew by Danny Schnitzlein, illustrated by Anca Sandhu: This book reads as a fable. Almost like a retelling of the tortoise and the hare but with Gnu that dreams but won’t do the work and Shrew that doesn’t let hurdles stop him from reaching his dreams!
  • The rest of the picture books were read with Trent. Here are our favorites:
    • Unicorns are the Worst which I reviewed last week.
    • Pokko and the Drum by Mattew Forsythe: We loved this story about a young frog that begins a big dance party in her forest.
    • Cycle City by Alison Farrell: A fun hide-and-seek book with a fun narrative which are some of Trent’s favorites.
    • The Cool Bean by Jory John: The newest in this series that for whatever reason we just got around to getting it, and it is just as fun as the others and with just as good a message.

To learn more about any of these books, check out my 2020 Goodreads Challenge page  or my read bookshelf on Goodreads.


Both of my older sons now own copies of this book, and it provides them hours of entertainment. They love looking at all of the states and moves that the pokémon do. We read characters every night, and I think I’ve now read all of the hundreds of characters.

The Maker Comics: Bake Like a Pro book is just as good as the others in this amazing series. Falynn Koch does a beautiful job incorporating lessons about baking in the narrative of this graphic novel. My kids and I all loved this one.

Elwood Bigfoot by Jill Esbaum is a charming story of a very large creature who just wants to be friends with the birdies!




Reading: The Canyon’s Edge by Dusti Bowling

Listening to: The Stepping Off Place by Cameron Kelly Rosenblum


I am gearing up for the ALAN Workshop and rereading some of the books by the keynotes Eric Gansworth and Samira Ahmed!


Tuesday: Julián at the Wedding by Jessica Love

Thursday: Educators’ Guide for Fight of the Century: Alice Paul Battles Woodrow Wilson for the Vote by Barb Rosenstock, Illustrated by Sarah Green

Friday: K-2 Teachers: Indigenous Peoples Day and Thanksgiving

Saturday: Sofia’s Kids’ Corner: The One and Only Ivan and The One and Only Bob by Katherine Applegate


Link up below and go check out what everyone else is reading. Please support other bloggers by viewing and commenting on at least 3 other blogs. If you tweet about your Monday post, tag the tweet with #IMWAYR!

 Signature andRickiSig

1 thought on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 10/5/20”

  1. Kellee~ I’ve enjoyed a couple of your picture books and just checked out a copy of Perfectly Norman. I’ve been anxiously waiting for a copy of The Canyon’s Edge by Dusti Bowling. I love everything she writes!

    Ricki~ I’d love to hear about some of your Samira Ahmed re-reads. I remember really enjoying Internment and I always meant to read Love, Hate & Other Filters, but just haven’t squeezed it in, yet.


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