It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 8/16/21


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
Sharing Picture Books, Early Readers, Middle Grade Books, and Young Adult Books for All Ages!

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly blog hop co-hosted by Unleashing Readers and Teach Mentor Texts which focuses on sharing books marketed for children and young adults. It offers opportunities to share and recommend books with each other.

The original IMWAYR, with an adult literature focus, was started by Sheila at Book Journeys and is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

We encourage you to write your own post sharing what you’re reading, link up below, leave a comment, and support other IMWAYR bloggers by visiting and commenting on at least three of the other linked blogs.

Happy reading!


Tuesday: August 10 for 10: Kellee’s Favorite Fairy Tale or Nursery Rhyme Inspired Picture Books

Sunday: “The Case for Graphic Novels and Chapter Books” by Dusti Bowling, author of Aven Green, Baking Machine

**Click on any picture/link to view the post**



  • I look forward to reviewing Threads of Peace for you this week!
  • I was trying to decide what audiobook to listen to next, and Let Me Hear a Rhyme by Tiffany D. Jackson was one that was recommended over and over. And man, they were right! This book is made to be listened to. Hearing the rhymes and rapping just took the book to the next level, which you know is already amazing because it is Tiffany D. Jackson.
  • Chi’s Sweet Home by Kanata Konami is an all ages manga that is just so funny and sweet. I mean, who doesn’t love the antics of a kitten and a family who love him?!?!
  • Trent and I finished listening to I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967 by Lauren Tarshis and yet again I learned about a new time in history thanks to this series. Tarshis is so good at what she does, and I look forward to listening to more with Trent!
  • Lobstah Gahden by Alli Brydon and Regina is NOT a Little Dinosaur by Andrea Zuill were our picture book reads of the week (with school starting, we make it through family reading time but I’ve just been too tired some nights to do bedtime reading too! ☹). Trent has had Jim and me read Lobstah Gahden because he things it is so funny–that’s a big compliment from him! And Regina made both of us laugh out loud thanks to her antics.

To learn more about any of these books, check out my 2021 Goodreads Challenge page  or my read bookshelf on Goodreads.


By the time you read this, I will have just pulled back into my home after a month on the road, seeing family and relatives. I’ll be preparing my kids for their first day back to school, so I will catch up with you next week!



Reading: Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky by Kwame Mbalia

Reading for Review: Stowaway by John David Anderson

Reading during family reading time: Not sure! I’ll see what Trent picks from my pile.

Trent reading during family reading time: Bird and Squirrel: All or Nothing by James Burks

Jim reading during family reading time: Fables, Vol. 6: Homelands by Bill Willingham

Listening: King and the Dragonflies by Kacen Callender

Trent and I listening to: Unfortunately, now that summer is over, we just aren’t driving as many places for long periods of time… I’ll let you know when we start listening to something again!


Tuesday: Threads of Peace: How Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. Changed the World by Uma Krishnaswami

Saturday: Puzzles from Sandra Boynton


Link up below and go check out what everyone else is reading. Please support other bloggers by viewing and commenting on at least 3 other blogs. If you tweet about your Monday post, tag the tweet with #IMWAYR!

 Signature andRickiSig

2 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 8/16/21”

  1. Kellee, it looks like you’ve gotten to read some great books! Let Me Hear a Rhyme sounds like a great read—I haven’t read anything by Tiffany D. Jackson yet, but I think that’s a mistake (maybe I should pick up a copy of Grown). Lobstah Garden does sound like a lot of fun—although I’m sorry your reading time with Trent has dropped a little as school starts back up. And as a hoarder of Sandra Boynton books, I zoomed in on the complaining-chickens puzzle and giggled quite a bit—I think I need to buy one of those!

    Ricki, that sounds like such a fun trip, and I hope it went well! I look forward to your updates for next week. Thank you both for the great post and the link round-up—#IMWAYR is busy today!


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