Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday
Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday is hosted by Kid Lit Frenzy and was started to help promote the reading of nonfiction texts. Most Wednesdays, we will be participating and will review a nonfiction text (though it may not always be a picture book).
Be sure to visit Kid Lit Frenzy and see what other nonfiction books are shared this week!
Strange Mysteries From Around the World
Author: Seymour Simon
Published May 1st, 1997 by HarperTrophy
Goodreads Summary: Describes ten strange natural phenomena and possible explanations for them, including the day it rained frogs, an atomic explosion that occurred forty years before the atom bomb, and an eerie crystal skull.
My Review and Teacher’s Tools for Navigation: These mysteries are so fascinating to read about and they are real! Although this book is a bit older, because the topic is strange mysteries it mostly doesn’t matter. It wold be interesting to read this aloud and then do research and see if anything has changed about the mysteries. I can also see this book being used as an opening of the day/class just to get kids focused. The mysteries intrigued me, so I really think kids would find them interesting as well.
Discussion Questions: What do you think happened at _____?; Which theory do you believe?
We Flagged: “When it’s raining heavily, some people say it’s ‘pouring cats and dogs.’ Of course, that only an expression. Cats and dogs really don’t rain down from the sky. (Although there may be poodles in the street.) But don’t be too sure that it never rains animals. Here is a quote from July 12, 1873, issue of the magazine Scientific American: ‘A shower of frogs, which darkened the air and covered the ground for a long distance, is the reported result of a recent rainstorm at Kansas City, Mo.'” (It’s Raining Frogs and Fish p. 1)
Read This If You Loved: Jane Yolen’s Unsolved Mysteries in History, Encyclopedia Horrifica by Joshua Gee, Alien Investigation by Kelly Milner Hall
Recommended For:
Thanks Kellee for always finding some great books. This is getting expensive.
I know, right?! I get most of the books from the library and then I want to own them
This is a great book recommendation, Kellee! It looks like a fascinating read – and one that would really captivate kids. I’m always looking for Nonfiction books that can be used as read-alouds – short snippets that can be shared in those 10 minutes before lunch but that get kids excited and wanting more!
They would be great read alouds! It will definitely keep kids on the edge of their seat!!
Interesting. Kind of like the snow and high wind mixture that makes natural snow balls. Cool!