It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 8/7/23


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
For readers of all ages

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly blog hop we host which focuses on sharing what we’re reading. This Kid Lit version of IMWAYR focuses primarily on books marketed for kids and teens, but books for readers of all ages are shared. We love this community and how it offers opportunities to share and recommend books with each other.

The original IMWAYR, with an adult literature focus, was started by Sheila at Book Journeys and is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. The Kid Lit IMWAYR was co-created by Kellee & Jen at Teach Mentor Texts.

We encourage you to write your own post sharing what you’re reading, link up below, leave a comment, and support other IMWAYR bloggers by visiting and commenting on at least three of the other linked blogs.

Happy reading!


Tuesday: Worldwide Crush by Kristin Nilsen

Thursday: Paperfold Wild Animals: 10 Amazing Punch-Out-and-Fold Paper Creatures by Megan Montague Cash

Friday: Student Voices: Sharing Webtoons, Mangas, and Graphic Novels by Emma Y. & Jorge G., 8th graders, and Bibi C., 6th grader

Sunday: Author Guest Post: “Where Story Ideas Come From & Why Personal Narrative Writing Works Best for Me” by Charlotte Offsay, Author of Challah Day!

**Click on any picture/link to view the post**



My Father is a Unicorn by Monaka Suzuki Totally Psychic by Brigid Martin

Spy×Family, Vol. 1 by Tatsuya Endo Spy x Family, Vol. 2 by Tatsuya Endo Spy x Family, Vol. 3 by Tatsuya Endo Spy x Family, Vol. 4 by Tatsuya Endo

  • My Father is a Unicorn by Monaka Suzuki: Trent wanted to read this, but since it was marked Teen, I wanted to check it out first, and it is quite a ridiculous book! It is truly about a boy whose mother remarries a unicorn (who can transform into a human), but then she oddly has to go away leaving her son and her new husband/unicorn together. This leads to funny and sweet moments, all centered around the unicorn stepdad working on being a human/stepdad.
  • Totally Psychic by Brigid Martin: A fun middle grade book about a middle school medium who is dealing with not only new powers but moving across the country. Fans of ghost stories and realistic middle grade school stories will both enjoy reading this book!
  • Spy Family Vol. 1-4 by Tatsuya Endo: I was told a couple of years ago that I’d love this series. Then months ago my library clerk lent me the first 8 books. But they sat. Until last week when I finally knew I needed to read them to return the books, and THEY ARE SO GOOD!! WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG?!?!?! This book has spies, assassins, telepathy, humor, awkward situations… everything! I am loving every book, and I cannot wait to continue reading them.

Hooked on Books by Margaret Chiu Greanias Bear with me by Kerascoët Spreckle's Snack Surprise by Sandra Salsbury Who Made This Mess? by Laura Gehl

  • Hooked on Books by Margaret Chiu Greanias, Illustrated by Kristyna Litten: Oh, I love Pearl, the little anglerfish in this book, and I think many readers will connect with her as well. She wants to be alone to focus on her book, but as soon as she is done, all she wants to do is talk about it. What a valid feeling! Tied into this book-loving book is also science content with deep sea creatures being introduced along with Pearl. Can’t wait for this to be picked up and read by adults and kids alike!
  • Bear with Me by Kerascoët: This duo really knows how to pull on your heart strings. In their book, I Walk with Vanessa, they looked at bullying. In Bear With Me, they look at change and comfort–specifically going to school and a comfort stuffed animal. This book will be perfect for back to school!
  • Spreckle’s Snack Surprise by Sandra Balsbury: Spreckle just wants the perfect snack, but as a dragon born on a farm, he is having quite a tough time find one. I love the solution at the end–it is just perfect. And do yourself a favor by reading the back of the book. It is PERFECT!
  • Who Made This Mess? by Laura Gehl, Illustrated by Aleksandar Stojsic: I’ll be reviewing this tomorrow!

What a Map Can Do by Gabrielle Balkan Ten Dragon Eggs by Lynda Graham-Barber Where Have You Been, Little Cat? by Richard   Jones In the Night Garden by Carin Berger

  • What a Map Can Do by Gabrielle Balkan, Illustrated by Alberto Lot: Oh, I love this book! It has a very specific purpose, but it does its job in a fun way that kids will find enjoyable while also learning. I was a fan of the different types of maps shared including bus map, museum maps, trail maps, weather map, and star map. It hits on symbols as well. A wonderful introduction implemented very well.
  • Ten Dragon Eggs: A Book About Counting Down by Lynda Graham-Barber, Illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler: This book will be a read aloud favorite! With wonderful rhyming text, great rhythm, vibrant illustrations, and lessons in counting and colors, both adult and child will enjoy their time with this book.
  • Where Have You Been, Little Cat? by Richard Jones: I love this! Ever thought about what outdoor cats do all day when they aren’t home? Well, this book has a fun theory! (Is it what the cat actually did?? Or is it the child’s guess?? It is up to you!) The story reminds me a little bit of Where the Wild Things Are but it is the cat going on its adventure which adds a nice rumpus tie in. I was also a fan of the illustrations as they had a nostalgic feel to them.
  • In the Night Garden by Carin Berger: I can see why this book has been listed on many Caldecott lists–the illustrations are pieces of art. Each spread has so much to see, and I am truly impressed by the use of collage–it is amazing! (Don’t forget to check out her guest post, too!)

To learn more about any of these books, click on any title/image to go to the book’s Goodreads page or check out my read bookshelf on Goodreads.


This is my week off–I’ll update you all next week on what I’ve been reading.



  • Reading: Spy Family Vol 5 by Tatsuya Endo & Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
  • Listening to: The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune & Secondhand Dogs by Carolyn Crimi (with Trent)

Tuesday: Who Made this Mess? by Laura Gehl, Illustrated by Aleksandar Stojsic

Thursday: Meet the Megafauna! Get to Know the 20 Largest Animals Ever to Roam the Earth by Gabrielle Balkan, Illustrated by Quang And Lien

Friday: Students Voices: Book Recommendations from Sai B., Kyan V., Liam Z., and Gabi C., 8th Graders

Sunday: Author Guest Post: “Sometimes We’re All Furious and How Books can Help with that” by Timothy Knapman, Author of Sometimes I am Furious


Link up below and go check out what everyone else is reading. Please support other bloggers by viewing and commenting on at least 3 other blogs. If you tweet about your Monday post, tag the tweet with #IMWAYR!

 Signature andRickiSig

7 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 8/7/23”

  1. It looks like you’ve been reading some wonderful books, Kellee! My Father Is a Unicorn sounds like a delight, and I love seeing your enthusiasm about the Spy Family series—I’m making a note of it! Hooked on Books also sounds *way* too relatable, so it’s on my list as well.

    Also, I meant to say that the last two Student Voices posts you shared have been so interesting—the info about webtoons and graphic novels has been so fun to see!

    Thank you both so much for the great post and for hosting us!

    • Thank you for the Student Voices compliment—my students love writing them! And who better to hear from than the audience for these books.

  2. Secondhand Dogs was a lot of fun, and the reason that I fed Pongo popcorn once a month on his “gotcha” day… at least until he lost too many teeth. I’m glad to see that you will be continuing the Monday link up. Thank you for hosting!

    • I love this IMWAYR community—so glad to be hosting!

      Secondhand Dogs is a reread for me, but new to Trent. He’s loving it! (Love your homage to the book with Pongo!)


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