It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 11/3/14



It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA!

It’s Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It’s also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…you just might discover the next “must-read” book!

Jen Vincent, of Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join us! We love this meme and think you will, too.

We encourage everyone who participates to support the blogging community by visiting at least three of the other book bloggers that link up and leave comments for them.

Congratulations to
for winning a set of Maggie and Bramble series

Congratulations to
for winning a copy of The Shadow Lattern

Last Week’s Posts

top ten tuesday From My (Huge) Library Pile worst witch festival

Tuesday: Top Ten Characters Who We Would Love To Be For Halloween

**Click on any picture/link to view the post**

 Last Week’s Journeys

Kellee: This week was a great week! Halloween is so much more fun when you have a child!! Trent was one adorable dinosaur (and bee, pumpkin, and penguin over the last couple of weeks).  Trent and I also read a fun Halloween themed book: Five Black Cats by Patricia Hegarty. It has great rhythm which made is so much fun to read.

I also was able to reading Mira’s Diary 2: Home Sweet Rome by Marissa Moss. I am a fan of these books because it teaches history while taking the reader on an amazing adventure. I have now started the 3rd one.

Ricki: I agree with Kellee. My little giraffe had an awesome Halloween, too! We read an awesome, new book by Oliver Jeffers called Once Upon an Alphabet: Short Stories for All the Letters. This book was great fun. I love Oliver Jeffers’ quirky sense of humor. I will post a full review soon! We also laughed with Bob Shea’s Don’t Play with your Food (Thanks for the recommendation, Carrie!). I highly recommend both of these picture books. I finished reading Mingshui Cai’s Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults: Reflections on Critical Issues. This was a very interesting text that addressed many of the ongoing debates about multicultural literature. It made me think a lot—and thinking is a good thing!

This Week’s Expeditions

Kellee: Like I said above, I am now reading the 3rd Mira’s Diary book which takes place in London. So far, so good! With Trent we are working our way through a Sesame Street box set of board books. So far we’ve read Zoe’s Gift and Grover’s Opposites and they are pretty cute books that serve a specific purpose. Will be good for teaching lessons later in Trent’s life.

Ricki: This week, I plan to read Goodnight Moon seven more times, based on my son’s demands. We will also read some great picture books. I let him pick, so I can’t predict those titles for you. I am in the middle of Suzanne Myers’ Stone Cove Island and really enjoying it. Lastly, I am reading Lynn Atkinson Smolen and Ruth A Oswald’s Multicultural Literature and Response: Affirming Diverse Voices. This should be my last, long PD text for the semester’s independent study. Then, I am off to start writing my literature review for my dissertation—ahh!

Upcoming Week’s Posts

top ten tuesday ivanpb rain small

Tuesday: Top Ten Books We Want To Reread

 So, what are you reading?

Link up below and go check out what everyone else is reading. Please support other bloggers by viewing and commenting on at least 3 other blogs. If you tweet about your Monday post, tag the tweet with #IMWAYR!

 Signature andRickiSig

28 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 11/3/14”

  1. It’s great the boys had a great Halloween. At least kids have more opportunities to wear multiple costumes in a year! I enjoyed Once Upon an Alphabet. It’s my current favorite.

      • Oh no, the 4 costumes were totally not my choice!
        1 was a gift from a friend
        1 was Jim’s from when he was a kid
        1 was a back-up just in case
        1 was made by my sister

        Trent’s mom doesn’t love him as much as Henry’s mom because I didn’t dress up like him (which is awesome!!!!).

  2. I bought Ivan a couple weeks ago but haven’t had a chance to read it yet because I’ve been so busy. I know I want to wait to read it when I can set aside some quality time with it because I know I’m going to want to sit with it for a while. 🙂

  3. Kellee, thanks for sharing the Mira’s Diary books. I’m not familiar with them,& they do look good. Ricki, best wishes on beginning the work on the dissertation, whew! Loved hearing about both your little Halloween goblins, such fun to be with kids on Halloween! Have a great week!

  4. I’ve been hearing good things about the Alphabet Short Stories book – sounds very creative!

    Ricki, I loved it when you said you’ll be reading Goodnight Moon seven more times this week! lol Gotta love those toddler obsessions. How did the Goodnight Moon birthday party go?

    Hope you both enjoy your books this week –


    Book By Book

    • Sue, I am excited to say that his party is not here yet…because I am not ready! It is scheduled for the weekend after Thanksgiving. I began crafting last weekend, though, which is probably confusing. I don’t like to do things at the last minute. It stresses me out. 🙂 Thank you for asking!

    • Rain Reign is brilliant. You will love it!
      What was your little guy for Halloween? I don’t remember seeing it on Facebook (though I may have–there were so many great costumes!).

  5. It’s true – Halloween is amazingly fun with a child. I am curious about your PD books about Multicultural Lit Ricki. Do you have more thorough reviews posted anywhere?

    Also, when your young-un is a bit older, Goodnight Goon is pretty fun around Halloween.

  6. I can imagine Halloween looked very cute in your households this year! Such fun. So pleased that you liked Don’t Play with your Food Ricki – super silly and a great read aloud. I have to read this new Jeffers title. Happy reading this week to the both of you!


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