Top Ten Tuesday: Goals/Resolutions For 2014


top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.

 Today’s Topic: Top Ten Goals/Resolutions for 2014

And of course, our list is filled with bookish goals!


1. To create a “Best of” list.

Kellee and I have been working on a “Best of” page for some time. It requires us each to read a lot of books, so we will hopefully have this available soon!

2. To go back to reading more YAL.

I love YAL, and I usually read over 100 YA books per year. Last year, I read much more widely, and I missed a lot of books that I wish I had read. This year, I am going to try to straddle both worlds!

3. To review most of the books I got at NCTE/ALAN

This is my most daunting goal. There are a lot of books! But I want to make a serious dent in the stacks (and donate the rest, of course).

4. To listen only to audiobooks in the car. No more radio.

I often get a bit lazy and wait a few weeks to go to the library to get a new audiobook. At times where it is just me (or Henry and me), we will no longer listen to the radio.

5. To go up to bed a half hour earlier to read.

I spend a lot of time on my computer doing schoolwork, and I miss a lot of reading time. I resolve that I will put the work down and get upstairs to read.


1. To create a “Best Of” list

I have to have this one too because it is something Ricki and I need to work on. We want to make a list of exemplar texts for different levels. We have a mock list, but we need to work on it more. Hopefully coming in 2015.

2. Read more YAL books

I know, I know, I am just copying Ricki, but it is so true. I read A LOT of titles this year, but probably 90% of them were picture books (my book count on Goodreads was the highest ever, but my page numbers were one of the lowest). I want to keep the amount of picture books I am reading, but also add more young adult and middle grade novels back into my totals.

3. To catch up on my “I promise to review” list

I have books that I have promised to review with an open-ended review date. I need to read and review them.

4. Book talk more to my students

I am teaching an advanced reading class this year, and for some reason, I have not been book talking as much as I did when I taught intensive reading. I need to remedy that.

5. Find time daily to read for me

I will sometimes go five days without reading for me. I need to make it so that I set aside time for my reading daily.

Which bookish goals do you have?

RickiSig and Signature

3 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Goals/Resolutions For 2014”

  1. I went through a totally horrendous reading slump in 2014 which messed up my reading so I totally agree with your goals about finding time to read. I really need to get back into it because I really do love it.
    I think I’m kind of the opposite of your ‘read more YA’ goal, because I read so much of it, I think I need to expand my reading a little bit and try something new!


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