Top Ten Tuesday: All-Time Favorite Authors


top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.

 Today’s Topic: Top Ten Favorite Authors of All Time

It gives us a stomach ache to create this list. If you ask us tomorrow, these lists will shift. We absolutely could not limit ourselves to five authors each, but we are keeping with the TTT spirit and taking a plunge. These twenty authors (and some repeats between us) are our incredible. We highly recommend their books and would read anything by them.


(In alphabetical order.)

  1. Sherman Alexie – Ah, this man is glorious both in print and in person. He has inspired me in so many ways.
  2. Coe Booth – I was blown away by Coe’s books. Her scenes come alive.
  3. Kristin Cashore – I didn’t think I liked fantasy until I read Cashore’s books. She opened my world.
  4. Matt de la Peña – Not only is Matt a great man, but his books reach so many kids. I cherish his books.
  5. John Green – Because he made geeky oh-so-cool. Well, we always knew it was cool, but he reminded us.
  6. A.S. King – A.S. King takes risks in her stories, and each novel is very different from the last.
  7. Harper Lee – In my opinion, Atticus Finch is the best drawn character in any book that exists.
  8. Eliot Schrefer – When his books come out, I hide in a closet and cannot emerge until I am done.
  9. John Steinbeck – My favorite classic author of all time. I’ve read more books by this man than any other author.
  10. Jacqueline Woodson – We are lucky to have Jackie Woodson. Her books have changed me.


Anyone who knows me know how hard this was. I had a list of probably 30 authors to choose from, but I went with my gut. This list could probably change tomorrow. I wish I could do a list of favorite picture books, middle grade, graphic novels, young adult, and adult!!

(In alphabetical order)

  1. Roald Dahl – He’s been my favorite for as long as I can remember. He is so creative, funny, and never gets old!
  2. John Green – Like Ricki said, he was the beginning of the “let’s make smart cool” trend which I am a huge fan of. Also, he just really knows how to craft a novel!
  3. Ernest Hemingway – I almost didn’t put Hemingway because I haven’t read any of his work in a while, but he was my favorite while I was getting my lit degree. I love his lack of fluff. He just writes how it is.
  4. Lois Lowry – Lois Lowry is special. She writes in a way that sucks you into a novel, changes you forever, then spits you out. Her writing is so powerful.
  5. Ann M. Martin – Baby-sitters Club was my serial reading when I was in middle school. I loved those girls. And Martin has continued to write novels that have found places in my heart.
  6. Kenneth Oppel – I just have not read anything by him that I do not like. His premises are so unique, and he writes so well.
  7. Ginny Rorby – Rorby knows how to pull at heart strings, and I love that her novels make you think about human and animals issues.
  8. Eliot Schrefer – When I read Endangered I fell in love with Schrefer’s writing. Threatened deepened that love. I cannot wait to read everything he ever writes.
  9. Raina Telgemeier – I went back and forth between Telgemeier and TenNapel because I think they both are amazing graphic artists (though very different), but Raina did something so unique with Smile and Drama.
  10. Mo Willems – His picture books are always good. He cracks me up.

Which authors are your favorites? Who did we miss? We can each think about five others who really belong on each of our lists!

RickiSig and Signature

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