It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 10/12/15



It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA!

It’s Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It’s also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…you just might discover the next “must-read” book!

Jen Vincent, of Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee decided to give It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit – join us! We love this meme and think you will, too.

We encourage everyone who participates to support the blogging community by visiting at least three of the other book bloggers that link up and leave comments for them.



for winning a copy of Zack Delacruz

Last Week’s Posts

top ten tuesday jump back paul Lola and the Cupcake Queens roar Book of Names

Tuesday: Books I’d Recommend to Students  if they Like _____.

Thursday: Blog Tour!: Last-But-Not-Least Lola and the Cupcake Queens by Christine Pakkala

Friday: Blog Tour!: Roar! by Julie Bayless

Sunday: Author Guest Post!: “What’s in a Name?” by Royce Leville, author of The Book of Names

**Click on any picture/link to view the post**

 Last Week’s Journeys

Kellee: This week’s reading quantity is lower than last week, but the quality is not. I finished Hook’s Revenge by Heidi Schulz, and I was so glad I went along on that adventure! This book was my final book for my Bridging the Gender Divide: Humor and The Art of Engaging All Readers NCTE panel. I am so excited!

Ricki: I finished two INCREDIBLE books this week. First, I finished up Glory O’Brien’s History of the Future. It is both literary and engaging, and I was reminded as to why I love A.S. King so much. I was fortunate to receive an ARC of Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys. Wow, wow, wow! I was awake until 4am this morning because I couldn’t put it down. I know publishers prefer that we review books no earlier than a month before their publication date, so I will have to tie my hands to my chair to prevent this.

This Week’s Expeditions

Kellee: Now I am on to reading the books for my ALAN panel “Keeping ‘Em on the Edge of Their Seat.” First up is Undertow by Michael Buckley. I just started, but I am intrigued so far.  After Undertow, I have the other books from the authors on my panel to read then I plan on rereading Eleanor and Park in preparation for the Walden Award panel at NCTE. I cannot believe how close the conference is!!!

Ricki: Kellee, how smart you were to post your panelists as your Fall TBR list! I am in the same boat as Kellee, but I don’t have a fancy link to my ALAN Workshop panel authors. This week, I am going to start with Meg Medina’s Burn, Baby, Burn. You can see the full workshop program here.

Upcoming Week’s Posts

top ten tuesday Frozen Wild I'll Give You the Sun cock a doodle oops Tank Man's Son

Tuesday: Ten Author Duos We’d LOVE to See Write a Book Together

Wednesday: Review, Author Q&A, and Giveaway!: Frozen Wild by Jim Arnosky

Sunday: Author Guest Post! by Mark Rouman, Author of The Tank Man’s Son

 So, what are you reading?

Link up below and go check out what everyone else is reading. Please support other bloggers by viewing and commenting on at least 3 other blogs. If you tweet about your Monday post, tag the tweet with #IMWAYR!

 Signature andRickiSig

24 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 10/12/15”

  1. Kellee, I really really need a book like Hook’s Revenge. I’m in desperate need for something joyful. Alas, it is not available at our local public library, and only the second in the series is on order!
    Rickie, I am gnashing my teeth in envy that you have read Salt to the Sea. Although, I suspect that it will not be a fun filled romp which is what I am in the mood for these days.
    Happy reading this week to both of you.

  2. What a great idea for a panel! Gender is such a HUGE hot button topic. I’d love to be able to see any power points or notes you put together and are willing to publish– I know at Kidlitcon they edited a Google Slides document while panelists made points. Just a thought! Good luck! It sounds like a lot of fun.

    • We cannot wait to talk about how women like and are funny as well.
      We are probably not doing a presentation, but we may have a handout which I’ll be happy to share. 🙂

  3. Ricki, I can’t wait to read your review of Salt to the Sea! It is one of my most anticipated 2016 releases.

    Kellee, I am also super intrigued to hear your thoughts on Undertow. The premise sounds like something that could either be really fascinating or really ridiculous. Buckley’s a good author though so I’m hoping for the former!

  4. I soooo want to read Glory O’Brien! Must make time for it. And I LOVE Ruta Sepetys – so does my teen cousin – she will be thrilled to hear there’s a new one coming!

    So excited for you two going to ALAN Workshop – sounds like such fun to meet all those great authors! Eleanor & Park is another one long on my TBR list.

    Enjoy your books this week –


  5. Oh, I love it when a book keeps me up until the wee hours of the morning because I just can’t put it down. Truly the mark of an exceptional author!


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