Trent’s Favorite Books He Read When He Was 10


I read 169 books while I was 10. Here are 15 of my favorites (in no particular order):

Animorphs series by K.A. Applegate & Michael Grant, Adapted by Chris Grine

This series was amazing because once I started reading, I couldn’t put it down. It is a beautiful graphic novel series that is adventurous and unique; I’m so glad there is a graphic novel version. The books make me feel so much. For example, in the first one it was sad Tobias is changed into a hawk forever but it is also helpful because they can have a watch person.

Aquanaut: A Graphic Novel by Dan Santat

Ooooo, I like Aquanaut! It is one of the best graphic novels! It is beautiful, sad, fun, and happy all at the same time. And the art was aesthetically pleasing. That one scene when Aquanaut swam down to the giant squid is one of my favorite spreads; it was so ominous. And it is amazing how Sophia is able to help all the animals, including Aquanaut.

Big Jim Begins by Dav Pilkey

I’ve always loved Dog Man, and I loved this one, too, even though this one is different from the other Dog Man books because it is about Big Jim and him making a life as a super hero. It was funny how Jim dragged Petey along with him, making Petey even grumpier than normal.

The Big Sting by Rachelle Delaney

I love The Big Sting because grandpa is funny and Leo and Lizzie are adventurous. I also love it because I like mystery books. I couldn’t stop listening to it when my teacher read it to us.

Bone series by Jeff Smith

I read this entire series, and I just couldn’t stop. At first, I thought it was just going to be a funny comic, which it was, but it was so much more, too: adventurous and a beautiful story. My favorite Bone character was Happy because he made me laugh.

Curveball by Pablo Cartaya, Illustrated by Miguel Díaz Rivas

I liked Curveball because it’s quirky, and it taught me a lesson about not judging a person on first impressions. One night, I read it, and I couldn’t stop reading.

Drama by Raina Telgemeier

It is very stupid that this book gets banned. I don’t think that a book should ever be banned just because there are people who may be gay in it. The book is about that but also much more, like loving something and working together to make it happen.

Emmie and Friends series by Terri Libenson

I’ve read 3 from this series, Becoming Brianna, Truly Tyler, and Always Anthony, and I am determined to read them all because the ones I’ve read are so relatable since it talks about friendship and school. I can’t wait to read more of them.

Huda F Cares by Huda Fahmy

Huda tells her story in such a funny way. It is hilarious how her sisters bug her all the way from Michigan to Florida. The book was extra entertaining for me because I love Disney world. I do hate that Huda gets judged just because she’s Muslim and prays. Oh, and I was lucky to meet Huda Fahmy this year, too!

Louder Than Hunger by John Schu

I think this is books is one of the best books because it is sad but then it get hopeful because Jake works on overcoming his eating disorder. Since John Schu experienced what Jake experienced, the book was a carousel of feelings. Also, John Schu is one of the nicest, most amazing people I’ve ever met.

Marcus Makes a Movie by Kevin Hart with Geoff Rodkey, Illustrated by David Cooper

This book is all about creativeness and talks about teamwork making the dream work. The audiobook for it was amazing because Kevin Hart does a great job. The book, and the audio, are hilarious.

One Wrong Step by Jennifer A. Nielsen

This book is worth the read! It is full of adventure, and it was so cool to learn the history of Mt. Everest and the time period. I liked reading about how they survived back then while climbing. I liked the main characters, Atlas and Maddie, because they were problem solvers and always found a way. After seeing Jennifer Nielsen speak about the book, I was instantly tempted to read it, and I am glad I did.

Smile by Raina Telgemeier

Like Louder Than Hunger, I felt this story was better because she experienced it. Smile was a lot: it causes a lot of feelings. It was sad sometimes, happy sometimes, funny sometimes. All of it added up to a great book. Also, I was so lucky to meet Raina and tell her how much I love her books.

Sunny Side Up by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm

I like that this book takes place in Florida, where I live. And grandpa is so funny. The message is also so important—taking drugs affects your life and those around you. But I do think it is good that Sunny went to go see her grandpa because it gave her time away and she made friends.

Wild Robot series by Peter Brown

I’m sure most of you reading this have seen the movie for The Wild Robot, which was good, but I can tell you the books are definitely better and has extended story. It almost made me cry when Roz had to say bye to Brightbill. In my opinion, the first one was my favorite because it is the start of a new story and you get to see Brightbill grow and learn how to fly.

Past “Trent’s Favorite Books” Posts

Trent’s Favorite Books He Read When He Was 9

Trent’s Favorite Books He Read When He was 8

Trent’s Favorite Books He Read When He was 7

Trent’s Favorite Reads as a 6 Year Old

Trent’s Favorite Reads as of His 6th Birthday

Trent’s Favorite Reads as of His 5th Birthday

Ten(ish) of Trent’s Favorite Books as of His 4th Birthday

Ten of Trent’s Favorite Books as of His 3rd Birthday

Trent’s Favorite Books: 1 to 2 Years Old

Trent and Kellee’s Favorite Books: 9 to 12 Months

Trent and Kellee’s Favorite Picture Books: 6 to 9 Months

Kellee and Trent’s Favorite Picture Books: First 3 Months

A First Year Full of Books: Trent’s Journey Through Books
**Check this one out if you haven’t–it is one of my favorite posts ever!**

Kellee’s 2024 Reading Recap & Stats



And just for fun: here is Trent’s 2024 Year in Books!

Here are my five star reads from 2024 (in order of date read)!

Picture Books

Middle Grade

Young Adult

Happy reading in 2025, friends!!!
To see all the books I’m reading, visit my READ Goodreads shelf and feel free to follow 📖💙


Author Guest Post: “Encouraging Kids’ Curiosity” by Sarah Albee, Author of Bounce! A Scientific History of Rubber


“Encouraging Kids’ Curiosity”

I’ve always been curious about the origins of everyday things. I love to ask people if they know who invented the [insert everyday thing here], or where [insert everyday thing here] originated. It’s one of my favorite cocktail party games. (I am so much fun at parties!)

So it probably tracks that I also love books for kids that trace the origins of stuff most of us take for granted; books that show us where something came from in entertaining and fascinating ways. Books like these spark a kid’s curiosity. If this topic has such a cool origin story, a kid reader might think, then maybe this other thing, or that one, or that one might, too! I love these books so much I try to write them as often as possible. (Or as I might phrase it at a cocktail party, “these topics comprise a large part of my oeuvre”.)

So I’m excited to tell you about my latest book, Bounce! A Scientific History of Rubber. It was inspired by my fascination with bouncing balls. I’ve played basketball all my life, and whether a hooper is aware of it or not, anyone who becomes somewhat proficient at dribbling and shooting a basketball learns quite a bit about the laws of motion, and angles, and friction, and air pressure. But I wanted to know more, much more, about rubber itself. And I quickly realized that the modern world couldn’t function without this miraculous substance. It’s a very STEAMy book, with sidebars about polymers and elasticity and other physical properties.

Here are some excellent recent books that also trace the origins of everyday things. These are all books I wish I’d written. And they’re books that would make excellent additions to your classroom.

Concrete: From the Ground Up by Larissa Theule, illustrated by Steve Light

Confession: before I read this book I thought concrete and cement were the same thing. (They’re not.) The history of concrete—a combination of stone, sand, water, and cement (limestone and clay)—goes way, way back. With its clear and whimsical illustrations, the book explores the earliest use of concrete by the ancients as a way to hold stone and brick together, and then, later, its use by the Romans as a structural material. The Romans used it to build aqueducts and amphitheaters (such as the Colosseum) and even the dome of the Pantheon. But their recipe was lost. Many centuries later, concrete was reinvented, and civil engineers added steel rods running through it to create an even stronger material: reinforced concrete.

Perkins Perfect Purple by Tami Lewis Brown and Debbie Loren Dunn. Illustrated by Francesca Sanna

A chemist by trade, Englishman William Perkin attempted to create a synthetic version of quinine, a medication used to treat malaria. Although his effort was a failure, he discovered something else when cleaning his equipment. The leftover mucky stuff was a lovely shade of purple. This once-costly color could suddenly be made from inexpensive coal sludge. And suddenly Victorian England was awash in the color purple. It’s a great example of the unexpected consequences of scientific experimentation that can lead to new discoveries.

The Story of the Saxophone by Lesa Cline-Ransome, illustrated by James Ransome

As a kid I was semi-obsessed with the beautiful, almost voice-like sound of the saxophone. So I was beyond excited to see the history of this instrument told by my favorite author-illustrator team, Lesa Cline-Ransome and James Ransome. And it’s a fascinating history, especially as told by Lesa, a brilliant storyteller. The illustrations are equally captivating—James embeds saxophones on each spread that are collages of actual images. (Listen to their interview on NPR here.)

This is the history of an object, yes, but the larger theme is the power of curiosity.

Glitter Everywhere! Where it came from, where it’s found & where it’s going

By Chris Barton, illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat

I loathe glitter, but I love Chris Barton’s writing, and this is a perfect kid-friendly topic. It’s the history of sparkly stuff from ancient times (beetles, mica) to the present. Importantly, it includes a frank discussion about the environmental damage glitter has wrought on the environment. (Also check out his books about Day-Glo colors and SuperSoakers.)

Here are some classroom activities you might consider for your students:

  • Ask students to writeToday I Learned,” in their writer’s notebooks, and then choose a nonfiction book. They can record an interesting fact or facts about something they’ve learned from the book.
  • Have students write down the sentence “I wonder where _____ comes from.” Ask them to brainstorm a list of five everyday objects they’d like to learn more about, and then choose one object to research.
  • After reading a book about the history of an object, ask students to create an infographic, art project, or other display of their choice that traces the origins of that object (such as rubber, concrete, the saxophone, or a topic of their choosing) from its invention to the present day.
  • Ask students to film a short video in which they ask people (teachers, students, family members) if they can tell you about the origins of an object. Sometimes the answers can be hilarious!

Bounce! A Scientific History of Rubber
Author: Sarah Albee
Illustrator: Eileen Ryan Ewen
Published October 22nd, 2024 by Charlesbridge

About the Book: Ever wondered what makes rubber bounce? Or why it’s stretchy? And WHY is rubber so . . . rubbery?! Learn the fascinating science and history behind this ubiquitous material!

With sidebars, graphics, fun facts, and more, the history of rubber reveals plenty of fascinating secrets and surprises. Elementary school readers will discover that early balls didn’t bounce; that people in the rainforest made waterproof gear from rubber thousands of years before Europeans got into the act; and that sneakers, bicycles, and cars created demand for more and more rubber!

Back matter includes a time line and a bit about the complicated implications of harvesting rubber.

About the Author: Sarah Albee is the New York Times bestselling author of many nonfiction books for kids. Her most recent titles are both picture books: Bounce!: A Scientific History of Rubber and The Painter and the President: Gilbert Stuart’s Brush with George Washington. Other popular titles include Troublemakers in Trousers: Women and What They Wore to Get Things Done; Fairy Tale ScienceAccidental Archaeologists: True Stories of Unexpected Discoveries; and Poop Happened: A History of the World from the Bottom Up.  She and her husband, a high school administrator, live in New York City and have three grown children. Visit her at

Thank you, Sarah, for sparking our curiosity and inspiring us to spark our students’!

Author Guest Post: “Integrating Storytelling with Science Education” by Serene Chia, Author of Mommy, Mommy, Where is the Moon?


“Integrating Storytelling with Science Education”

How do we use children’s picture books to spark our kid’s interest in science? As a children’s author and a fan of kids’ books, I’ve discovered that storytelling can be a magical tool to engage young minds. Combining stories with science is a great way to keep little ones excited about learning.

Here are 3 ways to start their scientific journey through the power of stories and child-led inquiry.

  • Making Science Simple. Science doesn’t have to be complicated. Stories can make tricky ideas easy for kids to understand. In Charlotte the Scientist Finds a Cure, Charlotte’s journey to find out what is making the animals sick captures children’s interest and teaches them about the scientific method to ask questions and form a hypothesis. Charlotte’s determination and problem-solving skills are depicted in a way that children can easily grasp.
  • Encouraging Curiosity. One of the best ways to teach science is through student-led inquiry. Encourage your students to ask questions and explore answers. In Ada Twist, Scientist, Ada’s relentless curiosity to find out what is causing a smelly smell drives the story, prompting kids to ask their own questions and seek answers. This book is fantastic for teaching children the value of persistence and inquiry in science.

    Similarly, in If I Built a School, Jack’s imaginative ideas about what a school could look like encourage students to think creatively and ask “what if” questions. Jack’s wild ideas, like a library where books come alive, can inspire kids to dream big and explore how their own creative solutions could be realized. These books collectively show that curiosity is the starting point for scientific exploration.

  • Mixing Different Subjects. Stories can seamlessly blend different subjects like science and reading. In Over and Under the Pond, the narrative combines scientific facts with beautiful storytelling, helping kids improve their reading while learning about nature. This multidisciplinary approach makes learning more interesting and helps kids see the connections between different subjects. It encourages them to think critically and creatively, integrating knowledge from various fields.

Recommended Books for Starting Children on Their Scientific Journey

Charlotte the Scientist Finds a Cure by Camille Andros

The story emphasizes the importance of family support in scientific endeavors, with Grandpa Bunny telling Charlotte, “Charlotte, you are going to make a real difference in the world.” My 3-year-old son loved the bunny family and the grandpa who wasn’t well, while my 6-year-old daughter was fascinated by finding out what was making all the animals sick. She learned new words like quarantine and experiment.

Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty

This book encourages kids to start asking questions when they encounter problems. Ada’s journey to discover what was causing a stink in her house shows how persistent inquiry can lead to scientific discovery. The story highlights the importance of family support in encouraging curiosity and problem-solving.

Over and Under the Pond by Kate Messner

The book paints a beautiful picture of an afternoon spent exploring the ecosystem of a pond. Living in Singapore, we learned about animals we don’t have here, like the mink, moose, and American goldfinch. The illustrations, such as a view from above the trees looking down at the mother and son rowing their boat, add an immersive visual element that helps kids learn about different species and their habitats.

If I Built a School by Chris Van Dusen

This imaginative book follows a boy named Jack with the wildest imagination as he describes to his teacher, Miss Jane, how he would design a school. His ideas include puppies, a zoo, a robot that makes lunches, and hover desks that glide around. My kids especially loved the part where the library had books that came alive, like Jack and the Beanstalk, with a beanstalk that grew when you opened the book. This story sparks interesting discussions and encourages kids to think creatively about their learning environment.

Conclusion. Storytelling is a powerful tool for teaching science. It makes learning easy, fun, and engaging. You don’t need complicated setups to spark curiosity in your students. Use storytelling to create a rich, engaging learning environment. Books like Charlotte the Scientist Finds a Cure, Ada Twist, Scientist, Over and Under the Pond, and If I Built a School are excellent starting points. By incorporating these stories into your lessons, you can inspire the next generation of scientists and explorers!

Mommy, Mommy, Where is the Moon?
Author: Serene Chia
Illustrator: Sinem Kilic Rabito
Published June 3rd, 2022

About the Book: Few things in life are as precious as the bond shared between a mother and her daughter.

Kaitlyn loves spending her nights lying beside her mother as they search the sky for the Moon. Sometimes they find it. Sometimes they don’t! That doesn’t stop them from laughing and talking about cool moon facts like why it changes shape and hides sometimes. Like Neil Armstrong, Kaitlyn believes she can also fly to the Moon!

Beautifully illustrated and filled with inspiration, Mommy, Mommy, Where is the Moon is a must-read for every child.

Parents and educators, this book is great for:

IMPROVING PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP – Engage your child and improve the parent-child relationship.

INTRODUCING SCIENCE AND STEM CONCEPTS – Introduce your child to science and STEM concepts in a fun and easy-to-understand way.

ENCOURAGING IMAGINATION – Encourages your child to dream big and use their imagination.

For a free lesson plan and activity sheets for preschoolers, visit

About the Author: As a children’s author, Serene Chia has always been passionate about creating stories that educate and inspire young minds. Her book, Mommy, Mommy, Where is the Moon?, was inspired by her daughter’s fascination with the moon. One of their favorite things to do was to spend time looking for the moon every night. Sometimes they found it, other times they didn’t. Along the way, they pick up cool moon facts like why the moon changes shape and sometimes hides.

This book combines the warmth of a mother-daughter bond with bits of science sprinkled within. It also comes with a lesson plan for 6-year-olds, a read-aloud video, and coloring sheets that make it easy to incorporate into your home or classroom lessons. Visit


Thank you, Serene, for these science-focused activities and books!

Author Guest Post: “Living a Multicultural Life: A Book List” by Kara H.L. Chen, Author of Asking for a Friend


“Living a Multicultural Life”

First and second generation Americans face the unique challenge of having to navigate between the culture of their (or their parents’) county of origin and those of America. For children and teens, especially, the tension that can come from the clash of these worldviews can be confusing and difficult.

Middle grade and young adult books that explore these differences in perspectives, and which discuss how characters deal with these conflicts, may provide some comfort for those in the same situation. In my book, ASKING FOR A FRIEND, the main character, Juliana Zhao, has spent her life trying to follow her Taiwanese mother’s guidance for “success” but soon comes to realize that it may not lead to what she truly wants.

Here are some other books that explore what it means to grow up with more than one culture (book descriptions provided by the publishers):


Lily Xiao can’t wait to go to Camp Rock Out this summer, where she’ll finally be able to shed her “class robot” good girl reputation and start her journey to becoming the next Eddie Vedder! And she can’t wait to do it with her best friend and cousin, Vivian, who’s just moved from Taiwan to Lily’s California hometown.

But as the two cousins work their way through seventh grade, Vivian struggles more and more with her schoolwork, which is all taught in English. If Vivian can’t get her grades up, her parents won’t let her go to rock camp.

Determined to help, Lily embarks on a mission to push their school to provide more support for English-as-a-Second-Language learners like Vivian. But her first-generation immigrant family is nervous about Lily challenging the status quo. We should be grateful to be here, they always say.

With Camp Rock Out on the line, Lily will need to decide how far she’ll push against her family’s wishes in order to stand up and speak out.


Anna can’t wait to move to the beautiful country—the Chinese name for America. Although she’s only ever known life in Taiwan, she can’t help but brag about the move to her family and friends.

But the beautiful country isn’t anything like Anna pictured. Her family can only afford a cramped apartment, she’s bullied at school, and she struggles to understand a new language. On top of that, the restaurant that her parents poured their savings into is barely staying afloat. The version of America that Anna is experiencing is nothing like she imagined. How will she be able to make the beautiful country her home?

This lyrical and heartfelt story, inspired by the author’s own experiences, is about resilience, courage, and the struggle to make a place for yourself in the world.


Graduation is only a few months away, and Rubi Ramos’s “recipe for success” to get into prestigious Alma University is already off track.

When Alma waitlists Rubi’s application, Rubi will need to be distraction-free to make the grade and keep her parents―who have wanted this for her for years―from finding out. Which means falling for her cute surfer-slash-math tutor, Ryan, definitely won’t work. And neither will breaking her mother’s ban on baking―her parents didn’t leave Cuba so she could bake just like them.

But some recipes are begging to be tampered with.

When the First Annual Bake Off comes to town, Rubi’s passion for baking goes from subtle simmer to full boil. Add to the mix her crush on Ryan may be turning into a full-fledged relationship and Rubi’s life is suddenly so different from what it was. She’s not sure if she has what it takes to win the Bake Off, or where the relationship with Ryan is going, but there’s only one way to find out―even if it means going against her parents’ priorities.

Now Rubi must differentiate between the responsibility of unfulfilled dreams she holds and finding the path she’s meant for.

A joyful novel of first romance, new possibilities, and the chance to define yourself, Rubi Ramos’s Recipe for Success will find its way into your heart.

THE LOVE MATCH – Priyanka Taslim

Zahra Khan is basically Bangladeshi royalty, but being a princess doesn’t pay the bills in Paterson, New Jersey. While Zahra’s plans for financial security this summer involve working long hours at Chai Ho and saving up for college writing courses, Amma is convinced that all Zahra needs is a “good match,” Jane Austen style.

Enter Harun Emon, who’s wealthy, devastatingly handsome, and…aloof. As soon as Zahra meets him, she knows it’s a bad match. It’s nothing like the connection she has with Nayim Aktar, the new dishwasher at the tea shop, who just gets Zahra in a way no one has before. So, when Zahra finds out that Harun is just as uninterested in this match as she is, they decide to slowly sabotage their parents’ plans. And for once in Zahra’s life, she can have her rossomalai and eat it too: “dating” Harun and keeping Amma happy while catching real feelings for Nayim.

But life—and boys—can be more complicated than Zahra realizes. With her feelings all mixed up, Zahra discovers that sometimes being a good Bengali kid can be a royal pain.

LOVEBOAT, TAIPEI – Abigail Hing Wen

“Our cousins have done this program,” Sophie whispers. “Best kept secret. Zero supervision.”

And just like that, Ever Wong’s summer takes an unexpected turn. Gone is Chien Tan, the strict educational program in Taiwan that Ever was expecting. In its place, she finds Loveboat: a summer-long free-for-all where hookups abound, adults turn a blind eye, snake-blood sake flows abundantly, and the nightlife runs nonstop.

But not every student is quite what they seem:

Ever is working toward becoming a doctor but nurses a secret passion for dance.

Rick Woo is the Yale-bound child prodigy bane of Ever’s existence whose perfection hides a secret.

Boy-crazy, fashion-obsessed Sophie Ha turns out to have more to her than meets the eye.

And under sexy Xavier Yeh’s shell is buried a shameful truth he’ll never admit.

When these students’ lives collide, it’s guaranteed to be a summer Ever will never forget.

And my newest book, publishing July 23rd:

Juliana Zhao is absolutely certain of a few things:

  1. She is the world’s foremost expert on love.
  1. She is going to win the nationally renowned Asian Americans in Business Competition.

When Juliana is unceremoniously dropped by her partner and she’s forced to pair with her nonconformist and annoying frenemy, Garrett Tsai, everything seems less clear. Their joint dating advice column must be good enough to win and secure bragging rights within her small Taiwanese American community, where her family’s reputation has been in the pits since her older sister was disowned a few years prior.

Juliana always thought prestige mattered above all else. But as she argues with Garrett over how to best solve everyone else’s love problems and faces failure for the first time, she starts to see fractures in this privileged, sheltered worldview.

With the competition heating up, Juliana must reckon with the sacrifices she’s made to be a perfect daughter—and whether winning is something she even wants anymore.

“A swoonworthy, heart-wrenching view into the trials of growing up second generation in an immigrant community.” – Kirkus Reviews

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About the Author: Kara H.L. Chen is a Taiwanese American writer who received her MFA in fiction from Brooklyn College. She is the author of LOVE & RESISTANCE (Quill Tree/HarperCollins, 2023) and ASKING FOR A FRIEND (Quill Tree/HarperCollins, 7/23/24). Her website is at or you can find her on Instagram and Twitter/X @hl_kara or @karahlchen on Substack.

Thank you, Kara, for this list of must reads!

Student Voices: Book Lists from Sarah S., 7th grade, and Lucy S., Isabela M., & Hala B., 8th grade


Books Lists

“Ten Books I Wish I Could Read for the First Time Again” by Sarah S., 7th grade

New Kid by Jerry Craft

This book is much different than the graphic novels you will expect to read. This book is about Jordan who was enrolled into a private school where Jordan is one of the few kids of color in his entire grade and is struggling to find ways to fit in. This book was one of my favorite books because it shows the struggles he had to go through as a kid with color and I’ve never read any graphic novel like it.

Restart by Gordon Korman

This book is so unique and entertaining that I couldn’t stop reading. It is about a kid in 8th grade who had an accident and banged his head on the ground and lost all of his memory and has no idea of all of the horrible things he’s done in the past and now he has to deal with all of the consequences and what people expect from him. This book is so fun and I would have never guessed all of the plot twists in this book.

Front Desk by Kelly Yang

This book is about a girl named Mia who moved to the United States and helps her parents manage the front desk. She helps her parents hide immigrants, while dealing with the mean motel owner, and trying to fit in at school. While struggling for money, Mia uses her smarts to fight for her dreams of a better future. This book shows that no matter what is happening, you should always believe in yourself.

Drama by Raina Telgemeier

Drama is about Callie who is a theater-lover who’s working on her school’s production of ”Moon Over Mississippi ” because Callie’s not an actress, but instead she joins this production because she is all about stage crew and set design. This book dives into all the drama of setting up a school play and when two brothers enter the story, it just becomes even more messy.

The Summer of Broken Rules by K.L. Walther

This book follows Meredith who’s been grieving with her sister’s death. She goes to Martha’s Vineyard for her cousin’s wedding and there is a tradition of playing a game called Assassin with water guns. But things got messy when she met this guy named Wit and started breaking her own rules about love and life. This book is super interesting and I couldn’t stop reading. This book is so good and I would have never expected the plot.

Places We’ve Never Been by Kasie West

This book was such a fun book to read and honestly unexpected. Norah ends up on a road trip with her childhood friend, Skyler who she hasn’t talked to in a very long time. As they travel together, they start to reconnect and Norah begins to see Skyler in a different light. This book was super entertaining and a fast read. This book was so unexpected and I didn’t see it coming for sure. I thought it was just going to be a fast read but this story had much more coming.

Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson

This book is about Astrid who wants to be this cool and fun skater girl so she decides to join a summer camp to learn how to skate. She assumed Nicole, her friend would do the same but Nicole joined a dance camp instead. This book is all about Astrid growing up and the tough world of roller derby. This story has such a good moral about navigating friendships and still doing what you love and in this case skating.

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

This book follows August who was born with a facial deformity and he has been home schooled his entire life until now. August is starting 5th grade face-to-face and he wants nothing but to be treated as an ordinary kid but the kids at his school have made this difficult for him. I read this book in 4th grade but I still remember it made me so emotional. This book was so good and I wish I could reread it and rewatch the movie because it made me feel for August and was so sad.

Invisible by Christina Diaz Gonzalez, Illustrated by Gabriela Epstein

This book was a very fun read and completely different from other graphic novels I’ve read. This book is told from five different points of views from kids who don’t have much in common but one thing they do is they are all hispanic and speak Spanish. They are now trying to get along while also trying to finish their school community hours. This book is so interesting and I wish I could read it for the first time again because it was so funny and I love the different points of view in the story.

Kisses and Croissants by Anne Sophie Jouhanneau

This book follows Mia who is a ballerina and she joins a ballet summer program and she has this idea that at all times she will be focused on ballet but her plans change when she meets this boy. This book is very cute and I wish I could reread it because it was so fun seeing how Mia was going to do with all of the decisions in the story.

“Ten Books I Wish I Could Read for the First Time Again” by Lucy S., 8th grade

Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

The strong urge to revisit the Percy Jackson series, It’s like reconnecting with old friends you haven’t seen in ages – there’s this sense of familiarity and warmth that’s just irresistible. The blend of adventure, humor, and heart in those books is timeless, and it’s hard to resist the allure of diving back into that world.

But it’s not just about reliving past escapades; it’s about uncovering new layers and insights that I might have missed before. Each time I read any of  Percy Jackson’s universe, I discover hidden clues, unique parts, and character development that add depth to the story. It’s like peeling back layers of an onion – there’s always something new to uncover beneath the surface. So, yeah, rereading Percy Jackson isn’t just about nostalgia; it’s about embarking on a journey of rediscovery and exploration, one that never fails to captivate me.

Prisoner B-3087 by Alan Gratz

I’ve been really drawn to the idea of reading Prisoner B-3087 by Alan Gratz again. It’s a book that really hit me hard the first time around, especially with Yanek’s journey through the Holocaust. The emotions and struggles he faces are so vividly portrayed, it’s like you’re right there with him.

But beyond just enjoying the story, I think there’s something important about revisiting “Prisoner B-3087.” In today’s world, where there’s still so much prejudice and injustice, it’s crucial to remember the lessons from history. Yanek’s story reminds us of the dangers of intolerance and the importance of standing up for what’s right. So, rereading “Prisoner B-3087” isn’t just about enjoying a good book; it’s about learning from the past and working towards a better future. (I’ve read this book a gazillion times 😁)

Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi. As the second book in the Shatter Me series, it’s a captivating blend of romance, suspense, and self-discovery. Juliette’s journey, grappling with her identity and newfound powers, resonates with me on a deeper level, and I can’t wait to revisit the twists and turns of the plot.

However, beyond the surface-level excitement, Unravel Me delves into profound themes like individuality and the struggle for freedom. Each read-through offers a chance to uncover new layers of meaning and connect more intimately with the characters. It’s like embarking on a journey of self-reflection and growth alongside Juliette and her companions. So, rereading Unravel Me isn’t just about entertainment; it’s about exploring the complexities of the human experience and gaining insights that resonate long after the book is finished.

If He Was With Me by Laura Nowlin

Recently, I’ve found myself drawn back to the pages of If He Was with Me by Laura Nowlin. This novel holds a significant emotional resonance for me, particularly in its exploration of love, loss, and the relationships of human beings. The narrative, centered around Autumn and Finny’s profound connection amidst personal love, captivated me upon my initial reading and continues to linger in my thoughts.

Beyond the surface allure of its romantic drama, If He Was with Me delves into deeper themes such as friendship, grief, and the pursuit of happiness. With each revisit, I uncover new layers of meaning and insight, enriching my understanding of the characters and their struggles. Thus, the prospect of rereading this novel isn’t merely an act of revisiting a cherished story; it’s an opportunity for introspection, emotional resonance, and personal growth through literature. (I cried)

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson

Lately, I’ve been itching to dive back into A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson. This gripping thriller had me hooked right from the start with its compelling storyline and well-developed characters. Following Pippa Fitz-Amobi’s quest to uncover the truth behind a murder in her small town was both exhilarating and thought-provoking, as the twists and turns kept me guessing until the very end.

With the excitement of solving the mystery, there’s a deeper desire to explore the novel’s underlying themes. A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder delves into issues of justice, truth, and the complexity of human nature, offering valuable insights that linger long after the final page is turned. Each time I reread the book, I discover new layers of meaning and subtle hints that enhance my appreciation for the story. So, the idea of rereading A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder isn’t just about reliving the suspenseful journey; it’s about immersing myself in a world of intrigue and reflection, where every chapter holds the promise of uncovering hidden truths.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I’ve found myself drawn back to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. This dystopian tale, with its gripping narrative and compelling characters, has left a lasting impression on me. Katniss Everdeen’s (With Peeta) journey through the brutal arena and her subsequent defiance against the oppressive regime of Panem resonate deeply with themes of resilience, social justice, and the human spirit’s capacity for resistance

Beyond the surface-level excitement and suspense, The Hunger Game offers a profound exploration of power dynamics and societal inequality. Each revisit to the novel provides an opportunity to delve deeper into its themes, uncovering new layers of meaning and relevance. It’s not merely about reliving the thrilling adventure; it’s about engaging with thought-provoking commentary on contemporary issues and reflecting on the complexities of the human condition.

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Lately, I’ve been feeling this strong urge to return to the pages of Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. It’s a story that holds a special place in my heart, like revisiting an old, cherished friend. Anne Shirley’s adventures, with her vivid imagination and boundless enthusiasm, never fail to uplift my spirits. Whether she’s embarking on mischievous escapades or enchanting the residents of Avonlea with her infectious charm, Anne’s journey serves as a comforting reminder of the joys of imagination and the warmth of companionship.

However, beyond the comforting familiarity of Anne’s world, there’s a deeper yearning to rediscover the profound wisdom and heartfelt emotions that the deeper meaning shows. “Anne of Green Gables” transcends its status as a simple children’s tale, offering timeless lessons in resilience, empathy, and the transformative power of love. With each return to its pages, I find myself drawn once more into Anne’s world, captivated by its rich imagery and enduring messages. The prospect of rereading Anne of Green Gables isn’t merely about revisiting a beloved story; it’s about reconnecting with the enduring spirit and timeless truths that lie within its pages.

She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton

This empowering collection of stories about women who have overcome adversity and made a significant impact in various fields resonates deeply with me. Each narrative is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and unwavering perseverance in the face of obstacles. From historical figures like Harriet Tubman and Helen Keller to contemporary trailblazers like Oprah Winfrey and Sonia Sotomayor, the stories inspire me to strive for my dreams and never give up, regardless of the challenges I may encounter or face.

Moreover, beyond just the inspiration derived from the individual stories, there’s a broader significance to rereading She Persisted. In today’s world, where gender equality and empowerment remain pressing issues, the book serves as a timely reminder of the progress that has been made and the work that still lies ahead. By revisiting these stories of resilience and determination, I am not only reaffirming my own commitment to perseverance but also gaining renewed inspiration to advocate for positive change in my community and beyond.

Wonder by R.J Palacio

Lately, I’ve been feeling a strong pull to revisit Wonder by R.J. Palacio. This heartwarming tale about a young boy named Auggie Pullman, who faces challenges due to his facial differences, resonates deeply with its message of empathy, kindness, and acceptance. The story touched my heart when I first read it, as it beautifully portrays the power of friendship and the importance of seeing beyond external appearances to recognize the beauty within.

But beyond just reliving the emotional journey of Auggie and his friends, there’s a deeper longing to rediscover the profound lessons and universal truths embedded within the narrative. Wonder isn’t just a story; it’s a book for empathy and understanding, prompting readers to reflect on their own actions and attitudes towards others. Each time I revisit the book, I find myself inspired anew by Auggie’s resilience and the transformative impact of small acts of kindness. So, the prospect of rereading Wonder isn’t just about revisiting a loved novel, it’s about embracing its timeless message and striving to make the world a kinder, more inclusive place.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K Rowling

Recently, I’ve been wanting to revisit Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling. It’s like taking a trip back to Hogwarts and joining Harry, Ron, and Hermione on their adventures all over again. The mystery surrounding the Chamber of Secrets adds an extra layer of excitement to the story, keeping me on the edge of my seat.

But beyond the thrill of the magical world, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets also explores important themes like friendship and bravery. Each time I read it, I discover new insights about loyalty and standing up against injustice, just like the characters do. So, rereading it isn’t just about having a good time; it’s about gaining valuable life lessons too.

“15 Books I Want to Read” by Isabela M., 8th grade

Twisted Tales: Part of Your world by Liz Braswell

I read the Cinderella twisted tale and I love it, so I want to read more of them and since the little mermaid is one of my favorite princesses I really want to read this book.

Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter

I’ve seen this book a lot online and heard a lot of good reviews. Also, my sister read this book and she said she enjoyed reading it.

Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch

I read the book summary, and it looks like a nice book. I also saw that this book has a movie on Netflix so I want to read it so then I can compare it to its movie adaptation.

One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus

I’ve always wanted to read this book but never checked it out. I am pretty sure this book is really good because everyone I’ve asked about the book, they have told me to read it.

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

I am very interested in her story. I’ve watched some videos of what she went through so I want to read what she wrote while everything was happening.

Spy School by Stuart Gibbs

It was recommended to me by my 7th grade teacher, and I saw that one of my classmates read this book and by their review I am interested in reading this book.

14 Ways to Die by Vincent Ralph

The plot of this book sounds really interesting. I want to see who wins the competition to catch the killer. I also want to start reading more mystery books because I find them entertaining.

Harry Potter Series by J.K Rowling

I watched all of the movies but never read the books because they are too long but now I think I may start reading them during the summer.

Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon

I like reading romance books and this book based on reviews looks like a good and fun book to read.

White Bird by R.J. Palacio

I saw this book in my school library and when I looked it up, I saw that it has great reviews. I also read the summary and it looks like a great book.

The Selection by Kiera Cass

This book series has been recommended to me by some of my friends, so I decided to look it up on Goodreads, and I found really good reviews.

House Arrest by K.A. Holt

I saw this book in another blog post and by the description written about this book, I feel like I will like it.

If he had been with me by Laura Nowlin

I have seen this book and its sequel on the internet, and I have read that it is sad but at the same time is a good book.

One for the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

My friend recommended it to me. She said that she read this book last school year and that she really enjoyed reading it.

I Survived The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912: The Graphic Novel by Lauren Tarshis & Georgia Ball

I love reading the I Survived books, and I am very interested in the story of how the Titanic sank.

“Ten of my All-Time Favorite Childhood Books” by Hala B., 8th grade

Books that give children the opportunity to enjoy reading are the type of books that parents should encourage their children to read. As a kid myself, I always chose books that looked like they would give me comfort and would be fun, I did not admire reading as much as a child but when I came to reading these books below I started to enjoy watching the stories unfold just to reread them over and over again. I recommend everyone to read even if it’s an audio book, picture book, hardcover, etc. It gives a lot of different messages and life lessons to a reader. You can choose to keep that lesson with you or even leave it in the book as it doesn’t interest you. Still, whatever you do just know that reading at a young age will help build up many kids’ strengths and abilities and they will be able to be strong-willed and achieve their goals using all the lessons they learned from books and real-life experiences that might have taught them the same lessons a book has.

Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

Charlotte’s Web is an awesome book to read, this book shows friendship and perseverance it teaches determination and how true friendship is valuable, and that throughout many struggles the friends who stay and make you the best of who you are, are the true friends you should surround yourself with and appreciate them for being with you through thick and thin. Many should understand how friendship works and how having good friends allows you to be your best self.

The Tortoise and the Hare by Aesop

The reason I loved The Tortoise and the Hare is that it taught me two things, first thing is that even if you are faster or better at something, don’t take that for granted and level down because even if you are the best you can still get even better. The second thing I learned is that even when you are slow you can still keep going and try your hardest to get better and faster and even win if you keep trying as hard as you can.

Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin, James Dean, and Kimberly Dean

This was such a good book, It showed me how Pete’s shoes changed and even as they changed Pete kept going forward with each couple of steps. I recommend this book because it shows that even when there is change, you can keep moving forward and towards the future. I loved that Pete never got discouraged even as the shoes kept getting worse and worse.

Mama Bear’s Love by Jane Hubbard

I loved this book, it showed me how much love a mom gives to her child and how much more moms need to be appreciated. It shows how important a mom’s love can be in someone’s life. I love my mom with all my heart and would do anything for her, Knowing that she loves me even more than that gives me the strength to keep going with my life and to make her proud but most importantly, It showed me that not only do we need our parents love but they need our love in return as well and that we should always try our best to take care of them as well as ourselves.

A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon

This book was one of my favorites because It taught me to do my things and follow my dreams no matter who likes or dislikes it. It also showed me that no matter what there will always be someone or something trying to bring me down or challenge me but there will always be a way to bring yourself back up. I recommend this to others because It will show them that they should keep moving forward with their passion and dreams no matter what occurs.

Clifford the Big Red Dog by Norman Bridwell

This book showed how good friends are beneficial especially when someone requires a helping hand. Being a good friend is not a duty it is an option whether or not you want to be a kind and helpful friend and someone who will allow others to feel safe. This book taught me that helpful friends will stick with you and make you feel as happy as possible.

Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems

This picture book was a very fun, exciting, and funny read, the book mainly showed a one-sided conversation in which you can respond to the characters yourself as if you were in the conversation. It was an exhilarating experience since as a kid I loved to answer the pigeon and tell them that they cannot drive the bus as if I was watching the bus for the bus driver. I believe this book is an easy, pretty quick, and funny read and should be more appreciated and read more often by children.

The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister

Some may disagree with the way I thought of this book and may argue that it shows how the fish has to get rid of part of itself for others to like him/her but when I was a child the way I felt about the book was that The Rainbow Fish was one of my favorite bedtime stories. This story showed a lot of different emotions which is why I loved it so much as a kid, it showed humiliation, sharing, friendship, and true happiness which are key things needed in one’s life to live with experiences of hardship and happiness of life so they can live to be a stronger person every time they grow older. I believe this book has taught me a lot about how to be prepared as I gain knowledge about expectations and how to move on with life as I make my own life myself with only the help of the important people in my life who have huge care for me.

The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn

I loved this book as a kid, this book showed great lessons one being that we don’t always want to do things we might have to do even when they seem scary at times or even strange, but it is part of experience and life to try new things out to see how you can use it or not use it in your future. It also allowed me to stop only seeing the bad in things and decide to consider the good that may come out of it, although you should always take notice of the cons and pros of things before considering you shall also see how well or unwell it will take you or if it will take you far. It taught me a lot about decision making which is an important aspect of life because you will always face decisions you will have to consider and think wisely about. I recommend this book to many people because it will show how as you are living there will be many challenges you will have to face and during that period, how you react with words or actions will affect how you are going to move on with your life and stay in a comfortable environment with good people all around you.

Olivia the Ballerina by Farrah McDoogle

Olivia the Ballerina used to be a book I would read many times, for a matter of fact I still own it to this day. This book showed me how trying to achieve things by practicing hard will get you to where you want to be, but it also showed me that as important as following your dreams may be, you must always still balance that with education and all the other important factors needed in one’s life. Homework is just as important as having other dreams because it will help you in the long run when you require knowledge. I recommend this book because it will teach others to value their education and dreams all at once.

Thank you so much to my student voices today–I loved sharing your book lists!

Student Voices: Author Reflections from Susana N., 7th grader, and Meghan K. & Ricardo D., 8th graders


Author Reflections

“Four Authors I’d Love to Meet” by Susana N., 7th grade

I will love to meet Jenny Han. The books of hers I have read are amazing. I want to keep reading all her books. I love how she keeps the readers interested in the book. I will love to meet her and have a book with her autograph. The Summer I Turned Pretty is, for me, in my top two in all the book I read in this whole school year, and I hope keep reading all her book.

I have read almost all of Raina Telgemeier’s books; they are very good, and I love all of them! They are all so funny, and I recommend them. I want to meet Raina Telgemeier because when I first read Smile, almost the whole school was talking about it and when I first read it, it was really good, and I knew I had to read the other ones by her, and they were really good she a very good author.

When I first read Sunny Rolls the Dice, it became one of my top books of all the books I have read. Since I liked it, I knew I had to read all the series. All the books are so good. I need to meet Jennifer L. Holm. Her books always put a smile in my face. All her books are very good, if I could read a book again and again, it would be these.

I read the first Baby-Sitters Club book when I was in 6th grade, and it was so good! I knew I had to read all the books. Then I found out there was a series on Netflix, andand the series is as good as the book. I want to meet Ann M. Martin because her books are nice and always have a message of the story. They are more than just good book, they are really good books. I will always love these books.

“Author Spotlight: Ann M. Martin” by Meghan K., 8th grade

Get to Know Ann M. Martin

Ann M. Martin is the author of many books and series. One of her most famous series The Baby-Sitters Club. The Baby-Sitters Club has sold over 180 million copies. Even though Baby-Sitters Club is a popular series in her collection, that does not mean it’s the only one. She has written many different books, like Slam Book, On Christmas Eve, Rain Reign, and many more. Ann M. Martin has great books, and they teach great life lessons and give messages to whoever reads them. Ann M. Martin is a great author, I think, because she relates her books to some of her own life experiences and childhood memories or feelings. Ann M. Martin has made a name for herself in children’s and young adult fiction. She is a full-time writer and published her first book in 1985 while working for Scholastic as a children’s book editor. 

I chose Ann M. Martin to spotlight because her books and series are very inspiring and interesting to read. I loved her series The Baby-Sitters Club throughout middle school. They are one of the only books I would read because they kept me interested, as well as Baby-Sitters Little Sister. If anyone asked me for an opinion on her books I would recommend for them to read them. 

Resource: The Baby-Sitters Club Wikipedia & Ann M. Martin Wikipedia

“Reflection on Akira Toriyama’s Passing” by Ricardo D., 8th grade

Akira Toriyama — The Legendary Mangaka, No More | by Jijo George | Medium

Manga creator Akira Toriyama passed away on March 1st 2024. The cause of his  passing was due to an acute subdural hematoma, which is when you injure your head severe enough to cause pooled blood to push on the brain. His death was not announced on March 1st, it was announced on the 8th due to his family’s request. He still had a lot of projects he was working on when he passed as well. I found out late at night when a friend called me out of nowhere and told me about it. Dragon Ball is my favorite anime and his death happened before they even animate the moro arc, which is tragic.

What caused his death?

A few weeks before his death, Akira Toriyama said he wasn’t sure he could keep going. “I am not sure how much more I can do, as I am not very confident about my health, probably due to my lifestyle when I was younger…”. It is not confirmed what he meant by lifestyle, but it is assumed that he is referring to his smoking habits, poor diet, and stress early in his career. He spoke many times about how deadlines were getting to him and that he would smoke several packs of cigarettes a day, hair loss due to stress, and sleepless nights for days. If it’s like that for other manga artists, worrying about deadlines and stress, that’s just too much.

Who will be Akira Toriyama’s successor?

Despite his death, Dragon Ball Super will continue. His student and apprentice Toyotaro will write and also draw the manga. Toyotaro himself was a massive Dragon Ball fan since he was little. His drawing style and skills caught the attention of Akira and ended up working closely with him. I think Toyotaru could continue Dragon Ball but it’s not going to be the same, art style sure but, writing-wise I don’t think so. Toyotaru’s drawing skills are good but I don’t think he has much experience writing manga.

Other manga creator’s thoughts

Eiichiro Oda, known for making One-Piece, and Masashi Kishimoto, known for making Naruto both wrote eulogies about Akira Toriyama. Oda stated that it was too early, that sadness washes over knowing he would never see Akira again. Kishimoto wishes his family well and feels lost like Oda. It’s sad that we probably will never know what he was working on, nor the finished result.

Impacts on me

I grew up watching Dragon Ball when I was younger, I liked it so much that I even watched Dragon Ball GT. Most people think GT isn’t good and whatnot but I liked it. I also watched Dragon Ball Z Kai which is just Dragon Ball Z but improved. Once I found out about Akira’s death I couldn’t believe it. He usually didn’t speak publicly much so people knew little about him but he made the show I and millions of people watched every day in the morning. These news made everyone that watched the show feel down, including me.


Thank you so much to my student voices today and their reflections on favorite authors!