Giant Rays of Hope: Protecting Manta Rays to Safeguard the Sea by Patricia Newman


Giant Rays of Hope: Protecting Manta Rays to Safeguard the Sea
Author: Patricia Newman
Published October 1st, 2024 by Lerner Publishing Group

Summary: Off the coast of Perú, gentle giants swim beneath the waves. Thanks to the work of Kerstin Forsberg, giant manta rays have become a symbol of hope for ocean conservation in the region. Mantas are a flagship species, and when they’re protected, the whole ocean ecosystem benefits.

Kerstin, who founded the organization Planeta Océano, has taken a new approach to ocean conservation. Previous conservation projects were often led by scientists from other places who didn’t work with the local people. When Kerstin decided to help manta rays, she sought the opinions of local fishers and educated them about the dangers of overfishing, bycatch, and poaching—things that affect both manta rays and fishers. She also involved local schools and teachers.

With the help of teachers, students, and fishers, Kerstin launched a project to identify and track manta rays and protect them, making the ocean a better place for all creatures. Dive in with author Patricia Newman and explore how taking care of the ocean can benefit everyone!

About the Author: Patricia Newman wants us all to know we are part of nature. As a Robert F. Sibert Honor recipient, she shows us how our actions ripple around the world, empowers us to find our own connections to nature, and encourages us to use our imaginations to act on behalf of our communities. Her nonfiction titles have received multiple starred reviews, Orbis Pictus Recommended Awards (NCTE), Green Earth Book Awards, and several Eureka! Awards. She is based in California.

Review: I love learning new things, and Patricia Newman always delves into topics in such interesting ways that will make any reader want to not only read the entire book but also want to investigate further to learn as much as possible about it.

In this book, I dove (pun intended) into the world of manta rays: their uncertain future, their truly phenomenal elegance and uniqueness, and lots of information about environmental factors. I also learned about how much difference one person can make. This book is a call to future activists, a call for all animal lovers, and a call for all humans to see more than what we normally see.

I am also impressed how Newman wrote an entire book about manta rays but by the end, the reader has thought about so much include flagship species, collaboration, negotiation, activism, the ocean in many different ways, cause and effect, and so much more.

Once again a truly fascinating and informative book has been gifted to us readers by Patricia Newman.

Teachers’ Tools for Navigation and Discussion Questions: 

In the standards-aligned guide provided by Lerner, educators can find lessons about manta ray anatomy, bycatch simulation, the challenge of overfishing, plotting manta sightings, civic role models, and exploring plankton.

The guide’s objectives are:

  • To help students understand our unbreakable connection to the ocean and we affect it.
  • To encourage and empower students to become a voice for the ocean in their homes, schools, and communities.
  • To help students become better science communicators

The guide focuses on Ocean Literacy Standards & Principles as well as United Nations Sustainable Developmental Goals

You can also access the educators’ guide here.

Book Trailer: 

Flagged Spreads: 

Read This If You Love: Nonfiction books about animals, environmental issues, and/or conservation efforts

Recommended For: 



**Thank you to the author for providing a copy for review!**

Author Guest Post: “Encouraging Kids’ Curiosity” by Sarah Albee, Author of Bounce! A Scientific History of Rubber


“Encouraging Kids’ Curiosity”

I’ve always been curious about the origins of everyday things. I love to ask people if they know who invented the [insert everyday thing here], or where [insert everyday thing here] originated. It’s one of my favorite cocktail party games. (I am so much fun at parties!)

So it probably tracks that I also love books for kids that trace the origins of stuff most of us take for granted; books that show us where something came from in entertaining and fascinating ways. Books like these spark a kid’s curiosity. If this topic has such a cool origin story, a kid reader might think, then maybe this other thing, or that one, or that one might, too! I love these books so much I try to write them as often as possible. (Or as I might phrase it at a cocktail party, “these topics comprise a large part of my oeuvre”.)

So I’m excited to tell you about my latest book, Bounce! A Scientific History of Rubber. It was inspired by my fascination with bouncing balls. I’ve played basketball all my life, and whether a hooper is aware of it or not, anyone who becomes somewhat proficient at dribbling and shooting a basketball learns quite a bit about the laws of motion, and angles, and friction, and air pressure. But I wanted to know more, much more, about rubber itself. And I quickly realized that the modern world couldn’t function without this miraculous substance. It’s a very STEAMy book, with sidebars about polymers and elasticity and other physical properties.

Here are some excellent recent books that also trace the origins of everyday things. These are all books I wish I’d written. And they’re books that would make excellent additions to your classroom.

Concrete: From the Ground Up by Larissa Theule, illustrated by Steve Light

Confession: before I read this book I thought concrete and cement were the same thing. (They’re not.) The history of concrete—a combination of stone, sand, water, and cement (limestone and clay)—goes way, way back. With its clear and whimsical illustrations, the book explores the earliest use of concrete by the ancients as a way to hold stone and brick together, and then, later, its use by the Romans as a structural material. The Romans used it to build aqueducts and amphitheaters (such as the Colosseum) and even the dome of the Pantheon. But their recipe was lost. Many centuries later, concrete was reinvented, and civil engineers added steel rods running through it to create an even stronger material: reinforced concrete.

Perkins Perfect Purple by Tami Lewis Brown and Debbie Loren Dunn. Illustrated by Francesca Sanna

A chemist by trade, Englishman William Perkin attempted to create a synthetic version of quinine, a medication used to treat malaria. Although his effort was a failure, he discovered something else when cleaning his equipment. The leftover mucky stuff was a lovely shade of purple. This once-costly color could suddenly be made from inexpensive coal sludge. And suddenly Victorian England was awash in the color purple. It’s a great example of the unexpected consequences of scientific experimentation that can lead to new discoveries.

The Story of the Saxophone by Lesa Cline-Ransome, illustrated by James Ransome

As a kid I was semi-obsessed with the beautiful, almost voice-like sound of the saxophone. So I was beyond excited to see the history of this instrument told by my favorite author-illustrator team, Lesa Cline-Ransome and James Ransome. And it’s a fascinating history, especially as told by Lesa, a brilliant storyteller. The illustrations are equally captivating—James embeds saxophones on each spread that are collages of actual images. (Listen to their interview on NPR here.)

This is the history of an object, yes, but the larger theme is the power of curiosity.

Glitter Everywhere! Where it came from, where it’s found & where it’s going

By Chris Barton, illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat

I loathe glitter, but I love Chris Barton’s writing, and this is a perfect kid-friendly topic. It’s the history of sparkly stuff from ancient times (beetles, mica) to the present. Importantly, it includes a frank discussion about the environmental damage glitter has wrought on the environment. (Also check out his books about Day-Glo colors and SuperSoakers.)

Here are some classroom activities you might consider for your students:

  • Ask students to writeToday I Learned,” in their writer’s notebooks, and then choose a nonfiction book. They can record an interesting fact or facts about something they’ve learned from the book.
  • Have students write down the sentence “I wonder where _____ comes from.” Ask them to brainstorm a list of five everyday objects they’d like to learn more about, and then choose one object to research.
  • After reading a book about the history of an object, ask students to create an infographic, art project, or other display of their choice that traces the origins of that object (such as rubber, concrete, the saxophone, or a topic of their choosing) from its invention to the present day.
  • Ask students to film a short video in which they ask people (teachers, students, family members) if they can tell you about the origins of an object. Sometimes the answers can be hilarious!

Bounce! A Scientific History of Rubber
Author: Sarah Albee
Illustrator: Eileen Ryan Ewen
Published October 22nd, 2024 by Charlesbridge

About the Book: Ever wondered what makes rubber bounce? Or why it’s stretchy? And WHY is rubber so . . . rubbery?! Learn the fascinating science and history behind this ubiquitous material!

With sidebars, graphics, fun facts, and more, the history of rubber reveals plenty of fascinating secrets and surprises. Elementary school readers will discover that early balls didn’t bounce; that people in the rainforest made waterproof gear from rubber thousands of years before Europeans got into the act; and that sneakers, bicycles, and cars created demand for more and more rubber!

Back matter includes a time line and a bit about the complicated implications of harvesting rubber.

About the Author: Sarah Albee is the New York Times bestselling author of many nonfiction books for kids. Her most recent titles are both picture books: Bounce!: A Scientific History of Rubber and The Painter and the President: Gilbert Stuart’s Brush with George Washington. Other popular titles include Troublemakers in Trousers: Women and What They Wore to Get Things Done; Fairy Tale ScienceAccidental Archaeologists: True Stories of Unexpected Discoveries; and Poop Happened: A History of the World from the Bottom Up.  She and her husband, a high school administrator, live in New York City and have three grown children. Visit her at

Thank you, Sarah, for sparking our curiosity and inspiring us to spark our students’!

Clouds in Space: Nebulae, Stardust, and Us by Teresa Robeson, Illustrated by Diāna Renžina


Clouds in Space: Nebulae, Stardust, and Us
Author: Teresa Robeson
Illustrator: Diāna Renžina
Published August 20th, 2024 by MIT Kids Press

Summary: Real space science meets beautiful images in this lyrical nonfiction introduction to one of the most alluring wonders of our universe—the nebula.

Nebula means “cloud” in Latin, but these little-known astronomical phenomena are different from Earth’s clouds. They can be the last breaths of supernovas, spreading the elements of life far and wide, or they can be star nurseries, swirling molecules together to form stars and planets. In this gorgeous nonfiction look into the cosmos, the nebula narrator invites young astronomers to learn more about these immense space clouds, from how they form to what they do. Readers will be entranced by the vibrant illustrations, which incorporate real photographs of nebulae, and the poetic text, which reveals that we are all grown from scattered stardust. Rich back matter provides details about nebulae and how people have studied them, the nebulae pictured in the illustrations (listed as the “cast”), and resources for further learning.


★“Lively language and gorgeous illustrations make this an excellent introduction to astronomy for a wide audience.” – School Library Journal (starred review)

“An eminently approachable introduction to an intriguing aspect of our universe.” – Booklist

About the Creators: 

Teresa Robeson has been an amateur astronomer since 1980, with a special interest in cosmology. She is the 2020 APALA Picture Book Award–winning author of Queen of Physics: How Wu Chien Shiung Helped Unlock the Secrets of the Atom and other books on science and her own culture. She lives on a mini-farm in southern Indiana. To download a free curriculum guide, and to learn more, visit

Diāna Renžina studied design and worked at several creative agencies before becoming a full-time illustrator and digital designer. She lives in Riga, Latvia, a city of cobbled streets, pine forest, Art Nouveau architecture, and the cold sea.

Teresa Robeson: @tmrobeson
Diāna Renžina: @diana_renjina
MIT Kids Press/ Candlewick Press: @candlewickpress, @candlewick_sl
Blue Slip Media: @blue_slip_media

Teresa Robeson: @teresa.robeson
Diāna Renžina: N/A
MIT Kids Press/ Candlewick Press: @CandlewickPressBooks
Blue Slip Media: @blue-slip-media

Teresa Robeson: N/A
Diāna Renžina: N/A
MIT Kids Press / Candlewick Press: @candlewick
Blue Slip Media: @blueslipper & @barbfisch

Teresa Robeson: Teresa Ho Robeson

MIT Kids Press/ Candlewick Press: @candlewickpress

Review: I am truly blown away by this picture book. I loved the idea of nebula speaking to a young girl and sharing secrets and the illustrations were as stellar and vase and beautiful as the idea of a nebula. The author’s informational text skills are on point, explaining quite complex concepts so well, and just so lyrical which makes the book a pleasure to read as well as informative. Just like the author mixed purposes, the illustrator did as well. The art in this book is edge to edge, full of color, and just embodies the ideas and lyricism of the book.

And then the backmatter goes even deeper for anyone interested in learning even more. The backmatter is accessible but also detailed.

Tools for Navigation: This book is built for a compare and contrast around clouds and nebula. What a perfect way to combine a reading comprehension skill and science!

Discussion Questions: 

  • How are nebula and clouds similar? Different?
  • Why were nebula’s named a word meaning cloud in the first place?
  • How did the illustration style add to the story?
  • Why do you think the author chose to have nebula be the narrator?
  • What else would you like to learn about nebulas?
  • Look at the nebulas in the backmatter. Are there any other animals you picture when looking at the images?
  • Although this book is mostly nonfiction, some may argue it is speculative because of magical realism. Why would they say that? What do you think?

Flagged Spreads: 

CLOUDS IN SPACE. Text copyright © 2024 by Teresa Robeson. Illustrations copyright  © 2024 by Diana Renžina. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA.

Read This If You Love: Space, Science

Recommended For: 



**Thank you to Blue Slip Media for providing a copy for review!!**

The Shape of Things: How Mapmakers Picture Our World by Dean Robbins, Illustrated by Matt Tavares


The Shape of Things: How Mapmakers Picture Our World
Author: Dean Robbins
Illustrator: Matt Tavares
Published August 20th, 2024 by Knopf Books for Young Readers

Summary: How did the first people explore the land they lived on? How did civilizations expand their boundaries and chart courses into new lands? Learn about the history of cartography across cultures in this ode to mapmaking through the ages.

Join history’s first mapmakers as they explore the wonders of the world! In these pages, you’ll find the tools ancient people used to depict their surroundings, methods different cartographers developed to survey new lands, and how we’ve arrived at modern mapmaking today. Above all else, the thread that runs throughout thousands of years of civilization is the spirit of exploration that helps us measure the shape of things around us, the world we all share.

About the Creators: 

Dean Robbins is a journalist and children’s book author. His previous books include, The Fastest Girl on Earth!Two Friends; Susan B. Anthony and Frederick DouglassMiss Paul and the President, and Margaret and the Moon. He lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his family. To learn more, visit

Matt Tavares is a New York Times bestselling author-illustrator of over twenty titles. His books have been featured in: ALA Notable, Parents’ Choice Gold Awards, and twelve were chosen for the Society of Illustrators Original Art exhibit. His artwork has been exhibited at the Brandywine River Museum, the Eric Carle Museum, and the Mazza Museum. Matt lives in Maine with his wife, Sarah, and their two daughters. Visit his website:

Dean Robbins: @deanprobbins
Matt Tavares: @tavaresbooks
Random House Children’s Books: @randomhousekids
Blue Slip Media: @blue_slip_media

Dean Robbins: @deanrobbins
Matt Tavares: @tavaresbooks
Random House Children’s Books: Random House Children’s Books
Blue Slip Media: @blue-slip-media

Dean Robbins: Dean Robbins
Matt Tavares:  Matt Tavares
Random House Children’s Books: @randomhousekids
Blue Slip Media: @blueslipper & @barbfisch

Review: The informational, yet lyrical text, by Dean Robbins mixed with Matt Tavares’s beautiful art brings this massive idea to a level that any reader can connect with, understand, and will find interest in. And man, is it a fascinating history, and it is wonderful how The Shape of Things does an introduction to the full history of cartography in a way that doesn’t seem overwhelming but is so informative. I also appreciate the sharing of different strategies of different cultures when mapmaking.

Tools for Navigation: While reading, I couldn’t help but think of all the ways social studies teachers could use this text. This text, in addition to being entertaining, is a summary of cartography through world history which makes it perfect for social studies to look at human history, exploration, and technology over time. And educators, don’t forget about the backmatter which includes even more information.

Discussion Questions: 

  • How did maps change over time?
  • How did technology change map making?
  • How did exploration change map making?
  • What different abilities does a cartographer need to have to accurately create maps?
  • Why is mapmaking essential to humanity?
  • What is the future of maps?
  • Why do you think the author included a timeline in the back of the book?

Flagged Spreads: 

Read This If You Love: Maps, Geography, Cartography, History

Recommended For: 



**Thank you to Blue Slip Media for providing a copy for review!**

Exclusion and the Chinese American Story by Sarah-Soonling Blackburn


Exclusion and the Chinese American Story
Author: Sarah-Soonling Blackburn
Published: March 26, 2024 by Crown Books for Young Readers

Summary: Until now, you’ve only heard one side of the story, but Chinese American history extends far beyond the railroads. Here’s the true story of America, from the Chinese American perspective.

If you’ve learned about the history of Chinese people in America, it was probably about their work on the railroads in the 1800s. But more likely, you may not have learned about it at all. This may make it feel like Chinese immigration is a newer part of this country, but some scholars believe the first immigrant arrived from China 499 CE–one thousand years before Columbus did!

When immigration picked up in the mid-1800s, efforts to ban immigrants from China began swiftly. But hope, strength, and community allowed the Chinese population in America to flourish. From the gold rush and railroads to entrepreneurs, animators, and movie stars, this is the true story of the Chinese American experience.

Review: I am so glad that this book exists. It tells the Chinese American experience from the very beginning—more specifically, from the first moment that a Chinese person came to America and the racism that Chinese Americans have experienced for centuries. The chapters are dense and filled with incredibly important information. I read a chapter each night to help me digest and think about each one of the topics and time periods covered. I especially appreciated the questions at the end of the chapters. This book is important for readers of all ages. 

Tools for Navigation: I wish more books like this one were taught in history classrooms. It’s imperative that young people don’t get a white-washed, sanitized version of US history. The Race to the Truth series (and this book, in particular) allow young people to read from many different perspectives to understand the truth about our country.

Discussion Questions: 

  • Which information did you find most surprising? Most interesting?
  • How has racism evolved across the centuries for Chinese Americans?
  • How can you use what you learned to share truths with others?

Read This If You Love: History books, conversations about equity, nonfiction

Recommended For: 

 classroomlibrarybuttonsmall closereadinganalysisbuttonsmall


**Thank you to Barbara at Blue Slip Media for sending me a copy of this book for an honest review**

Review with Educators’ Guide for The Incredible Octopus by Erin Spencer


The Incredible Octopus: Meet the Eight-Armed Wonder of the Sea
Author: Erin Spencer
Published: April 16th, 2024 by Storey Publishing

Summary: Packed with mesmerizing undersea photography, this book invites kids to explore the fascinating behavior and intelligence of this remarkable creature of the deep.

The Incredible Octopus combines amazing photos with in-depth facts to get kids aged 7 and up excited about octopuses and the underwater world in which they live. Readers are introduced to the fascinating biology of the octopus, from its 3 hearts and 9 brains to suction cups and how they work, and learn all about what it’s like to be an octopus: how they use camouflage and ink, what they eat, and how they reproduce (nests and eggs!). The book also explores the  intelligence and playfulness of this animal—and, of course, the famous stories of octopuses who escaped their tanks. Readers will meet 13 different species of octopuses and find out what makes them unique, from the most venomous and best disguised to the deepest and coldest. They’ll also get a glimpse into exciting octopus research, technology inspired by octopuses, and ways to help conserve our oceans.

About the Author: Erin Spencer is the author of The Incredible Octopus​ and The World of Coral Reefs. She is a marine ecologist and National Geographic Explorer whose articles, photos, and videos of marine life have been featured in National Geographic, PBS, CBS Sunday Morning, and in publications of Ocean Conservancy. She is an avid public speaker and has presented to National Geographic, the World Bank, MCON, and TEDx, as well as many school groups. Originally from Maryland, she now lives in South Florida where she studies great hammerhead sharks and their prey for her PhD.

Review: The octopus is truly incredible, and this book is a fantastic introduction to everything about these amazing animals. The book really does touch on a little bit of everything you’d want to know about octopuses with a text structure that makes sense: going from the biology of the octopus to their life, specific examples, and people & octopuses. I also think the author was very smart with their writing as well–while much of it is traditional informational nonfiction, the author included narrative elements, text features, and interviews to make the reading interesting in a whole other way.

I learned so much about octopuses, and they really are fascinating. I was sitting at my son’s karate dojo while I read, and I kept sharing facts with my husband and friend because I just was blown away by so many things in the book. I think a nonfiction book making me want to share things is one of the greatest compliments you can give!

This nonfiction book is a great one to read from front to back but is also one that can be perused by your nonfiction skimmers.

Teachers’ Tools for Navigation and Discussion Questions: 

Please view and enjoy this curriculum guide from the publisher.

You can also access the educators’ guide here.

Flagged Spreads: 

Recommended For: 

classroomlibrarybuttonsmall closereadinganalysisbuttonsmall

Kellee Signature

The Wonderful Wisdom of Ants by Philip Bunting


The Wonderful Wisdom of Ants
Author & Illustrator: Philip Bunting
Published March 19th, 2024 by Crown Books for Young Readers

Summary: Take a peek under the rock, and discover what we can learn from the world of the ant, in this delightful blend of nonfiction and inspirational humor by author-illustrator Philip Bunting!

There are ten quadrillion ants in the world, and yet I bet you never thought they could teach you anything. But these tiny creatures can do big things when they work together–just like people!

With his signature humor and graphic illustrations, Philip Bunting delivers facts, laughs, and heart all in this special book that teaches that the answers to many of life’s biggest questions can be found in your own back yard (once you’re ready to look).

★ “This overview of ants combines cleverly designed graphics and a funny text to convey major concepts about the familiar insects.” —The Horn Book, starred review

About the Author: Philip Bunting is an author and illustrator whose work deliberately encourages playful interaction between the reader and child, allowing his books to create a platform for genuine intergenerational engagement and fun. Philip’s books have been translated into multiple languages and published in over thirty countries around the world. Since his first book was published in 2017, Philip has received multiple accolades, including Honors from the Children’s Book Council of Australia and making the list for the Kate Greenaway Medal in 2018. He lives with his young family on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. Visit his website:

Philip Bunting: @philip.bunting
Random House Children’s Books: @randomhousekids
Blue Slip Media: @blue_slip_media

Philip Bunting: N/A
Random House Children’s Books: Random House Children’s Books
Blue Slip Media: @blue-slip-media 

Philip Bunting: N/A
Random House Children’s Books: @randomhousekids
Blue Slip Media: @blueslipper & @barbfisch

Review: This book is a joy! Anyone who has read a book by Philip Bunting knows that his work excels at bringing play into the reading to make the book a bit silly, interactive, and full of informational magic. The Wonderful Wisdom of Ants is the same. I loved the little jokes throughout the book that will definitely get readers giggling, the illustrations are just so playful and perfect for the book, and I learned so much about ants! It definitely is a multi-purpose book, for pleasure and for learning, which will be a winning read aloud!

For more about the book and to hear from the author, visit his interview, “Using Well-Placed ‘Humour’ as a Trojan Horse for Information,” on Fuse 8.

Tools for Navigation: There is so much in this book that is PERFECT for science which makes it an amazing cross-curricular tool. My first though is I think it would be awesome to see students use this book as a mentor text to create their own book about another insect which would include research, science, creative writing, and visual art.

The vocabulary in this book is wonderful as well, both when it comes to science and just tier 2 words such as nuptials, mandibles, reproduces, fragrant, and more.

Oh, and math, there is something here for you too! When looking at the number of ants, it compares human vs. ant weight which would be a fantastic math problem!

Discussion Questions: 

  • If there are ten quadrillion ants in the world and 8 billion people in the world, and they weigh about the same, how much do each set weigh?
  • Do you think the queen is the most important ant in the colony?
  • Why are ants so important for the world?
  • What can we learn from ants?

Flagged Spreads: 

Read This If You Love: Informational books with humor

Recommended For: 



**Thank you to Blue Slip Media for providing a copy for review!**