Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.
Today’s Topic: Bookish People You Should Follow On Twitter/Facebook
I recommend you follow all of these folks on Facebook and Twitter. I prefer to follow them on Facebook (because I generally prefer Facebook to Twitter), and I suspect they will let you be their friend, even if you haven’t met them personally. 🙂
1. Kellee Moye (@KelleeMoye)
I love this lady more than words can express. She always inspires me to read books outside of my usual zone, and I trust her judgment highly.
2. Teri Lesesne (@ProfessorNana)
This former Executive Director of ALAN is in the know! She’s served on many ALAYMA committees and is always posting great books. Teri cares deeply about getting kids reading and changing the way we look at the English classroom.
3. Donalyn Miller (@DonalynBooks)
I love this woman, and I love her commitment to getting books in the hands of kids. She is a wonderful resource, and her posts always inspire me.
4. Kylene Beers (@KyleneBeers)
I value all of Kylene’s posts about reading and engagement. She is a superstar in reading world!
5. Josh Funk (@joshfunkbooks)
Josh’s book Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast came out last year. This year, his new book Pirasaurs comes out, and I can’t wait to read it. I didn’t include many authors on this list, but I simply had to include Josh because he’s hysterical. I always enjoy reading his tweets about books because he makes me laugh!
I second Ricki’s list! Donalyn, Teri, Kylene, and Josh are must follows!
1. Ricki Ginsberg (@ReadWithPassion)
So I know this is going to seem like a love fest, but Ricki is really someone you want to know. She is the editor of The ALAN Review and a very active member of ALAN. She is also a doctorate student, so is in the know about many topics.
2. Laurie Halse Anderson (@halseanderson)
Laurie Halse Anderson is an advocate for reading and education. She shares amazing articles, things that make me so mad, and things that made me cry.
3. Chris Crutcher (@ChrisCrutcher)
This man has a way with words. All kinds of words. Including bad words. And he is funny. And he says so much of what I want to say but don’t. (P.S. Chris is much more active on Facebook.)
4. The ALAN Review (@ALANReview) and ALAN (@ALANorg)
ALAN is the Assembly on Literature for Adolescents and is a wonderful organization that Ricki and I are both part of. We are working at ALAN to bump up our social media presence, so join the bandwagon 🙂
5. Judy Blume (@judyblume)
Judy is just so real on social media. And she is all about equality. I love following her.
P.S. I have so many wonderful teacher friends on Twitter!
If you need any suggestions for teachers to follow, please don’t hesitate to ask or check out my Twitter friends 🙂
Which bookish people do you enjoy following?