Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.
Today’s Topic: Top Ten Things On Our Reading Wishlists
We’d love for authors to write about…
1. Knowledge
At times I feel that I have read every possible theme and topic out there. My favorite books, though, are the ones that include little tidbits of knowledge in their writing. For example, John Green includes famous last words in Looking for Alaska. I love this!
2. Anxiety
Many of my students suffered from severe anxiety. I would like for authors to include more of this issue in their writing because it is so relevant to my students.
3. Science/Mathematics
There are many books that include the subjects of history and English. I would love to read more fictional books that include scientific or mathematical information (without being didactic).
4. Teen Pregnancy (I am risking it with this one…_
I am not wishing for poorly written problem novels where this topic is the main focus of the books, but I would like more books that more realistically portray pregnancy and parenting than 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom. I don’t think teens realize how hard it is to be moms and dads, and I would love more honest portrayals of this.
5. A Setting within Any Historical Time Period
I am stealing this one from Kellee’s top five below. Like her, I am a historical fiction junkie. I can’t get enough of it! Take me back in time, please!
I had never thought about this! So many of the books I want are already out there, but if I could, I would love for authors to write (more) about:
1. Chemical Imbalances
Not suicide, not massive depression, not bipolar, but chemical imbalances which millions of people have.
2. Characters who struggle with reading (and a teacher who helps them)
I’d love for my students to see themselves in books (and for them to see that there is hope).
3. Any random historical time period
I did not have a very good history education throughout my secondary education and love reading historical fiction novels to learn about history.
4. The 90s
Such a wonderful time period! Right now the 80s and before are being written about and modern day is being written about, but what about some contemporary historical fiction books about the 90s.
5. Other sports
My students love sports books, but they keep asking me for random sports like lacrosse, gymnastics, hockey, etc. and I cannot find good books about them.
What is on your reading wishlist?