Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.
Today’s Topic: Ten Reasons Why I Love Teaching Middle School
1. They are trying to find their identity and are still moldable, so I feel like I can make a difference.
I love that I am part of these students’ lives during a very influential time. I know that elementary and high school are important as well, but I think it is iso important for kids between the ages of 11 and 14 to have positive influences in their life.
2. Middle grade books!
I love them! And I get a mix of picture books and young adult novels as well! Perfect!
3. Middle school is TOUGH, and I hope I can be a bright light in their days.
Think back to Middle School. Did you enjoy being 12? Most people say no, and most of us cannot think of a teacher who really helped brighten our days in middle school. I hope I can be that bright light that will help them remember this time in a positive way.
4. Teaching only 1 subject.
I love teaching reading. I have the ability to teach more subjects, but I love that I can just teach the one I am most passionate about.
5. The discussions we have over the world, books, or their life.
Middle school kids are so insightful, and I love the conversations we have. And I think sometimes no one listens to them, but they definitely have a voice and opinions and insight.
6. Working with teachers who are passionate about this age also (because only those who are passionate stay in MS).
Other people who are passionate about teaching are amazing to work with, but there is a special little niche in middle school for those of us who love this age. I adore working with these people.
7. Because middle school is a really fundamental time.
I’ve written a post before that showed how middle school really molded who I am today: This post and my time as a middle school teacher really show me that so much of who we become is found during the years of middle school
8. The inquisitiveness of elementary age kids + the ability of high school = middle school
I always joke that elementary school kids are too short for me to teach (they are out of my peripheral vision) and high schools are too jaded for me to teach, but all jokes aside, middle schoolers really do embody so much of what makes teaching fun. They are young enough that they are still open to learning and inquiry, but they are old enough that they think for themselves and have vast knowledge.
9. Because middle schoolers are still kids.
But they are still just kids!
10. The hours 😉 We’re 8:30-4. I am not a morning person, so that is really as early as I would like to go.
Self explanatory 🙂
Why do you love teaching/working with the age you do?