Author Guest Post: “Why Nature is the Best Classroom” by Jill Neimark, Author of Forest Joy & Nature Explorers


“Why Nature is the Best Classroom”

On a crisp autumn afternoon last week at Naturally Nurtured Nature School here in Macon, Georgia, I held two sugar gliders—small, nocturnal, gliding animals that look similar to flying squirrels. They peeped out from a soft fleece ‘bag’, gazing up at me with enormous and curious eyes. The kids gathered round, oohing and aahing. We each got to commune with these exotic creatures, and talk about how, at this very moment, similar flying squirrels were sleeping in the trees and waiting for night to hunt for food. The children had lots of questions and comments. “It was so cool!” “The sugar glider tickled when it crawled on me.” “How far can they fly?”

It all happened because the school’s owner, Dawn Willis, and I were planning a class for the kids from my new STEAM activity book, Nature Explorers: Outdoor Activity Book for Kids (Blue Jasper Editions, 2023). We were discussing one of the most basic outdoor activities kids can do, almost anywhere. It’s a kind of gold standard for forest schools. And that is to sit down with a tree and make it your ‘friend’, observing it closely, sketching it, writing down all its features, even decorating it with your own handmade art.

In the book, I had added a storytelling prompt to help the kids with language arts: imagine you’re a flying squirrel named Tom, living in a tree and hunting by night. My book gave the kids a few facts (the squirrels can glide as far as a football field; they can pivot in midair; they huddle in groups to keep warm, they even cuddle with owls sometimes). In a group setting, kids were to gather after a session with their tree friend, and tell a group story about Tom the flying squirrel.

Dawn, ever resourceful, said, “I’ve got a surprise for you!” and ran off to get her two pet sugar gliders, rescued four years earlier. Yes, Dawn has sugar gliders, among many other creatures, from bunnies to frogs to horses.

That led us all to a discussion about what humans can learn from gliding or flying creatures and how creatures like sugar gliders have influenced human flight systems. Just as sugar gliders spread their limbs and use their “patagia” (the flap of skin that stretches between their limbs) to catch air currents, modern aircraft use flaps and winglets to control lift and stability, helping to reduce drag and improve efficiency. Next day’s lesson and activity: design a paper helicopter, and collect different seeds to see how they are designed to ‘fly’ on the wind.

Forest schools like Dawn’s, where learning takes place almost entirely outdoors, are increasingly popular across the globe. And here in the USA, there were over 800 nature-based schools as of 2022. Their popularity is driven by parental concerns over excess screen time, as well as recognition of the benefits of nature-based play. Children today are spending more time inside and on screens than ever before. Studies show that the average kid now spends an average of 7 hours per day on screens, and outdoor playtime has declined by 50% over the last few decades. Many parents want to change that. There are nature pre-schools and forest schools in almost every state now.

Even when kids don’t attend forest school full time, homeschooling parents may send them to a day or two of forest school every week. As of 2023, an estimated 3.7 million students in the U.S. were being homeschooled. Homeschooling parents are often deeply invested in providing their children with diverse learning opportunities, and outdoor play and nature-based education are key components of many homeschool curriculums. According to a 2021 study by, 72% of homeschooling families reported that spending time outdoors and engaging in nature-based activities were essential parts of their educational plans. These families recognize that outdoor learning enhances academic skills, physical health, and emotional well-being.

That’s why I started my own children’s imprint, Blue Jasper Editions, and wrote Forest Joy (a picture book on mindfulness in nature) and Nature Explorers (an outdoor activity book focused on STEAM skills), to join in this growing movement to help kids enjoy cross-disciplinary learning and life skills while immersed in nature.

My books join some towering classics in the field, such as Play The Forest School Way and the related series of books, by Jane Worroll & Peter Houghton. These books, which come out of Great Britain and are aimed at middle grade and older kids, give detailed instructions on activities in the ‘bush’, along with instructive line drawings (there are 5 copies in my state’s library system, and they are always checked out).

­­Even the recent Caldecott award-winning picture book Watercress, by Andrea Wang, illustrated gorgeously by Jason Chin, is an homage to the intersection of nature and culture, weaving plants in with identity. In the story, while driving through Ohio in an old Pontiac, a young girl’s Chinese immigrant parents see watercress growing wild by the side of the road, and decide to forage it, cook it, and in that way weave their new world with their old traditions.

Connecting with Nature to Learn and Thrive

When children step outside and immerse themselves in nature, they’re not just playing—they’re learning. Nature offers an endless classroom filled with hands-on activities that stimulate curiosity, self-regulation, adventure and joy. Through outdoor activities, kids can engage in science, language arts, history, and hone their social and emotional skills, all while exploring the world around them. And in play they can connect and develop social competency as well. It’s just easier to bond, to learn to share, when you’re foraging, building, exploring in nature. Nothing substitutes for experience! Learning about flight is one thing. Classroom learning will never match actually holding a sugar glider, learning about its anatomy and how it glides on air currents, examining seeds to see how they utilize wind currents, and building your own paper helicopter.

Here are a few very simple activities from my books you can easily do with your kids or students to get started:

  1. Take a slow, sensory nature walk. Take children on a sensory walk in the woods or your backyard. Ask them to close their eyes and describe the sounds they hear—rustling leaves, chirping birds, the wind in the trees. Ask them to use a magnifying glass to examine seeds, leaves, flowers, and pine cones, anything they find. Ask them to stand still and smell the air and describe it. Afterward, invite them to draw or write about how it all made them feel. This activity helps kids center themselves and practice mindfulness.
  2. Collect leaves, and then examine the leaf veins and stomata under the glass. This can be a jumping off point for teaching kids about stomata (pores in leaves), transpiration (did you know trees are constantly moving water up through their roots, trunks, branches, and out their leaves?), and many more activities explained in Nature Explorers. You can then make leaf skeletons with your kids (there are many step by step instructions to be found online, as well as in my book). Then talk about insect skeletons, mammal skeletons, and plant “skeletons”. What do they have in common? What is unique in each? I have some illustrations in the book, but there are many on the internet as well.
  3. Start a phenology wheel. A phenology wheel is a wonderful way for children to engage with nature and learn about the changing seasons. It’s a circular calendar that tracks natural events, such as plant growth, animal activity, or weather patterns, throughout the year. To get started, get a nature journal and some colored pencils and chalk for your child. Encourage your child to pick a tree or place in the front or back yard, and to observe and record the environment around them every week or month—whether it’s the blooming of flowers, the falling of leaves, the arrival of migratory birds, or the color changes in the landscape. They should record temperature, weather, their own feelings, and sketch what they see as well. As you fill in the wheel together, your child will begin to notice the cyclical nature of life, deepening their connection to the natural world. This hands-on project is not only educational but also fosters mindfulness and curiosity about the environment.
  4. Create a dreamcatcher. Creating a dreamcatcher from a paper plate is a fun and simple craft that can teach children about different cultural traditions while developing their fine motor skills. Start by cutting out the center of a paper plate, leaving the outer ring intact. Punch small holes evenly around the edge of the plate and have your child weave yarn or string across the circle, looping it through the holes to create a web-like pattern. For added decoration, tie colorful feathers and beads to the bottom of the dreamcatcher. You can hang the finished dreamcatcher above your child’s bed or in a window as a creative way to introduce them to the Native American tradition of dreamcatchers, believed to catch bad dreams and let good ones pass through. At forest school, Dawn works with the kids to make dreamcatchers out of vines they collect from wooded areas and weave together. If you’re feeling inspired, you can do the same with your child. The circular nature of the dreamcatcher can lead you into discussions of geometry, sundials and many other areas for exploring science, culture, history and art.
    • Unleashing Readers note: Please make sure to build this foundation around indigenous folks and honoring their beliefs and traditions.
  1. Hold a tea ceremony in nature. Spread a blanket, gather a group of children, and hold a tea ceremony. While drinking tea and perhaps eating some tasty treats, think of ways to thank the sky, trees, flowers, rivers, and earth for all they give. When the tea ceremony is over, pour the last little bit of tea into the earth and say together, “Thank you trees. Thank you sky. Thank you earth. Thank you, green good world.”


(illustration from Forest Joy)

The Power of Outdoor Learning

By encouraging kids to spend more time outdoors, we can help them cultivate the tools they need to thrive in an increasingly busy, digital world.

Students who participate in cross-disciplinary learning activities show improved problem-solving skills and higher engagement levels. By linking different subjects, such as having kids learn about seed dispersal while practicing engineering principles through the design of paper planes, they not only deepen their understanding but also enjoy the process. This engagement makes learning more enjoyable and can lead to long-term retention of the skills they acquire.

Parents value how outdoor education promotes active, hands-on learning that engages children in subjects like science, math, and language arts in ways that traditional indoor classrooms may not. And for those whose kids are happy in standard schools, or who don’t have the extra funds or time to add in a few days of forest school every week, books like Forest Joy and Nature Explorers offer an accessible way for families to integrate nature-based activities into a solid curriculum, helping their children develop essential skills while fostering a deeper connection with the natural world.

You can purchase either one of my books here on Amazon:

Forest Joy:

Nature Explorers:

About the Author: Gillian (Jill) Neimark is an author of adult and children’s fiction and nonfiction, as well as a prolific science journalist. She has published poetry, essays and reviews in numerous literary magazines. Her picture book, The Hugging Tree (Magination Press) is a bestseller and was selected by University of Michigan’s First Great Eight Program for their environmental stewardship module. To read more about her you can access her website: and to read more about her new children’s imprint, visit

Thank you, Jill, for sharing all of these fun ways to bring the classroom to nature!

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 12/16/24


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
For readers of all ages

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly blog hop we host which focuses on sharing what we’re reading. This Kid Lit version of IMWAYR focuses primarily on books marketed for kids and teens, but books for readers of all ages are shared. We love this community and how it offers opportunities to share and recommend books with each other.

The original IMWAYR, with an adult literature focus, was started by Sheila at Book Journeys and is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. The Kid Lit IMWAYR was co-created by Kellee & Jen at Teach Mentor Texts.

We encourage you to write your own post sharing what you’re reading, link up below, leave a comment, and support other IMWAYR bloggers by visiting and commenting on at least three of the other linked blogs.

Happy reading!


Tuesday: Educators’ Guide for The Hotel Balzaar by Kate DiCamillo

Sunday: Author’s Guest Post: “Classic Remixes: On Learning to Appreciate Jane Austen” by Tirzah Price, Author of In Want of a Suspect

**Click on any picture/link to view the post**



It’s my week off! You can always learn more about any of the books I’ve been reading by checking out my read bookshelf on Goodreads.




I appreciated this short story collection (You Like It Darker) and enjoyed it while I listened. I couldn’t help but think that many of these stories were from a collection of stories that didn’t quite make it into King’s novels. That said, I was entertained throughout my reading!

Grief is for People is Sloane Crosley’s nonfiction book about the death of her friend, who was a victim to suicide. This book gutted me. It was raw and made me very reflective about the clawing effect that grief has.


I enjoyed Ina Garten’s memoir, Be Ready When the Luck Happens. She is a strong woman who has had quite a life. My book group read this book, and it was fun to discuss amid Ina’s recipes. I will say that I don’t think she discusses her privilege enough in the book. I would have liked to have read more of this in connection to luck.

Young Adult

I absolutely loved this book, Midnights With You by Clare Osongco. She does a beautiful job building characters. I have recommended this book several times now, and I will continue to do so!

Middle Grade

My son is reading The Unteachables by Gordon Korman for Battle of the Books. I enjoyed it. My son absolutely loved it and plowed through it. I recommend this book for middle grade readers if they haven’t read it yet!



I am currently listening to The God of the Woods by Liz Moore.



Link up below and go check out what everyone else is reading. Please support other bloggers by viewing and commenting on at least 3 other blogs. If you tweet about your Monday post, tag the tweet with #IMWAYR!

 Signature andRickiSig

Author Guest Post: “Classic Remixes: On Learning to Appreciate Jane Austen” by Tirzah Price, Author of In Want of a Suspect


“Classic Remixes: On Learning to Appreciate Jane Austen”

I have a confession to make: My first encounter with the work of Jane Austen was not with any of her books, but with the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. Maybe it’s because I am now a writer, but this fact often elicits shock and occasionally horror when people learn that I first fell in love not with Jane Austen’s words on the page, but with (gasp) a TV series.

However, I am not at all embarrassed to admit this! I can still remember spending a rainy day at a friend’s house sometime in the sixth or seventh grade, and her mom pulling out a box set and introducing me and my friend to Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, as played by Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. We watched two episodes (on VHS tape because yes, I am that old) before I had to go home. I begged my mom to take me to the library so I could check out the rest and see how it ended.

From there, I watched Emma (the 1996 Gwyneth Paltrow version), and of course the incredible Sense and Sensibility, starring Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet, as well as the 1999 Mansfield Park. I don’t think that I put two and two together that all of these period movies and shows that I brought to every sleepover were, you know, written by the same person until a couple of years later, when I first attempted to read Pride and Prejudice. (It did not go well–there was much skipping around.) From there, I muddled my way through Emma, and then got about twenty-five pages into Sense and Sensibility before giving up. The prose was dense, there wasn’t nearly as much dialogue as I’d have liked, and Austen spent an awful lot of time summarizing scenes that I’d rather watch unfold on the screen.

I wouldn’t pick up any of Austen’s work for another four years.

In the meantime, I continued to seek out adaptations. I saw Keira Knightly as Elizabeth Bennet in theaters. I fell in love with Bride and Prejudice, a Bollywood retelling with exciting singing and dance numbers. I read YA Austen retellings and Austen adjacent books, such as Austenland by Shannon Hale. Sometimes, I struggled with feeling like I wasn’t a “true” fan because I enjoyed adaptations more than the source material.

I was in college before I attempted to read another Austen novel, and this time it clicked. With an ingrained knowledge and appreciation for Austen’s stories and characters, as well as the reading stamina that I honed over years of reading novels that didn’t intimidate me, I actually loved the Austen novels I picked up. I had a better understanding of the Regency period and the social commentary, and that allowed me to laugh at the humor and get swept up in the romance. And with every reading since, I only fall more in love with Austen’s writing and her distinct outlook on social class and society. I appreciate her much more now, as an adult, than I did as a young teen. But without the adaptations and retellings that I consumed by the bucketful from ages 11-18, I’m not sure I ever would have been the Austen fan I am today.

For this reason, I don’t get upset or offended when readers sheepishly tell me that they’ve never read any of Austen’s work, and it’s why when I set out to write my first novel, Pride and Premeditation, it was very important to me to write a satisfying retelling that could also stand on its own, especially for younger readers who might not have had the chance or have the inclination to pick up a more challenging classic. My version is, admittedly, a bit unconventional as I mash up Austen’s classic characters with a murder mystery plot, but it is exactly the sort of thing I would have inhaled at age 13, and I had a lot of fun writing it, even as I worried about whether or not it would find an audience beyond Austenites.

Luckily for me, I needn’t have worried and I am delighted every time I get a note from a reader telling me that they enjoyed my books. More often than not, this is also followed by an admission that they’ve never read the original classic. And that is okay with me. Not every teen is going to gravitate toward the classics just because they’re classics. (Heck, not every adult reader wants to read the classics!) Retellings pique readers’ interest with fun and approachable twists on the classic stories, and especially for younger readers, they give them the confidence and framework to perhaps pick up the original classic someday. I’d even go so far as to say that genre mashups of classics and fresh retellings are what keep those classics relevant and talked about–not necessarily assigning them in high school English class.

I’ve seen the retellings to classics pipeline play out in real life, too. When I was a teen librarian, a few years before my first book was released, I ran a teen book club. We picked the book A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro, a fantastic gender-bent retelling of Sherlock Holmes. Most of my teens had never even read Sherlock Holmes before, and at least one didn’t know the legendary character at all. But they all enjoyed that book, and at the end of the session, a few of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s books were checked out of the collection. That wasn’t my end goal, but it was satisfying nonetheless.

And similarly, now that I have my own classic retelling series out in the world, I hope that teen readers pick it up because they’re intrigued by the premise and curious about the plot and characters. I hope the idea of a genre mashup gives them a thrill, and that it sparks an interest that wasn’t there previously. Because no matter how you come to these characters, whether it’s through a YouTube webseries or a musical or a YA novel, we can all agree on one thing: Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy are a pretty iconic couple.

Published November 12th, 2024 by HarperCollins

About the Book: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that London’s first female solicitor in possession of the details of a deadly crime, must be in want of a suspect.

The tenacious Lizzie Bennet has earned her place at Longbourn, her father’s law firm. Her work keeps her busy, but luckily she often has help from (and steals occasional kisses with) Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, a stern but secretly soft-hearted solicitor at Pemberley.

Lizzie is hired to investigate a deadly warehouse fire, and to find the mysterious woman who was spotted at the scene moments before the flames took hold. But when the case leads her to the sitting room of a woman Darcy once proposed marriage to, the delicate balance between personal and professional in their relationship is threatened.

Questions of the future are cast aside when the prime suspect is murdered and Lizzie’s own life is threatened. As the body count rises, and their suspicions about what was really going on in the warehouse grow, the pressure is on for Lizzie and Darcy to uncover the truth.

Lizzie and Darcy are back for more suspense, danger, and romance in this first in a duology spinoff of the Jane Austen Murder Mysteries!

About the Author: Tirzah Price grew up on a farm in Michigan, where she read every book she could get her hands on and never outgrew her love for YA fiction. She holds an MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and is a former bookseller and librarian. Now, she’s a senior contributing editor at Book Riot, and co-host of the Hey YA podcast. When she’s not writing, reading, or thinking about YA books, she splits her time between experimenting in the kitchen and knitting enough socks to last through winter. She lives in Iowa.

Thank you, Tirzah, for sharing the resurgence of the love of Austen with us!

Educators’ Guide for The Hotel Balzaar by Kate DiCamillo, Illustrated by Júlia Sardà


The Hotel Balzaar
Author: Kate DiCamillo
Illustrator: Júlia Sardà
Published: October 1st, 2024 by Candlewick Press

Summary: In a wise and magical follow-up to The Puppets of Spelhorst, Kate DiCamillo revisits the land of Norendy, where tales swirl within tales—and every moment is a story in the making.

At the Hotel Balzaar, Marta’s mother rises before the sun, puts on her uniform, and instructs Marta to roam as she will but quietly, invisibly—like a little mouse. While her mother cleans rooms, Marta slips down the back staircase to the grand lobby to chat with the bellman, study the painting of an angel’s wing over the fireplace, and watch a cat chase a mouse around the face of the grandfather clock, all the while dreaming of the return of her soldier father, who has gone missing. One day, a mysterious countess with a parrot checks in, promising a story—in fact, seven stories in all, each to be told in its proper order. As the stories unfold, Marta begins to wonder: could the secret to her father’s disappearance lie in the countess’s tales? Book two in a trio of novellas bound by place and mood—with elegant line art by Júlia Sardà—The Hotel Balzaar masterfully juggles yearning and belief, shining light into every dark corner.

Teachers’ Tools for Navigation and Discussion Questions: 

Please view and enjoy the educators’ guide I created for Candlewick:

You can also access the educators’ guide here.

Recommended For: 

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Kellee Signature

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 12/9/24


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
For readers of all ages

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly blog hop we host which focuses on sharing what we’re reading. This Kid Lit version of IMWAYR focuses primarily on books marketed for kids and teens, but books for readers of all ages are shared. We love this community and how it offers opportunities to share and recommend books with each other.

The original IMWAYR, with an adult literature focus, was started by Sheila at Book Journeys and is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. The Kid Lit IMWAYR was co-created by Kellee & Jen at Teach Mentor Texts.

We encourage you to write your own post sharing what you’re reading, link up below, leave a comment, and support other IMWAYR bloggers by visiting and commenting on at least three of the other linked blogs.

Happy reading!


Sunday: Author Guest Post: “Fostering Empathy in Kids Through Literature” by Claire Swinarski, Author of Take it From the Top

**Click on any picture/link to view the post**



Here is what I read since November 4th 📖💙

Middle Grade

  • Best Wishes: Like a Boss by Sarah Mlynowski & Hena Khan: I am such a fan of Sarah Mlynowski’s work, as you know, and this newest book is no different. Like a Boss, the newest book in the Best Wishes series, tackles another wish that seems like a good idea (being in charge of everything) and in the end the reader learns that not everything is so clear cut.
  • Archives of the Unexplained #1: Unwanted Guests by Steve Foxe, Illustrated by Naomi Franquiz & Archives of the Unexplained: Area 51 by Steve Fox, Illustrated by Fran Bueno: This new series looks into historical mysterious events such as Area 51, the House of Blood, and the Guyra Ghost. Steve Foxe did a great job turning these mysteries into graphic novels and making the history of it accessible.
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hot Mess by Jeff Kinney: This is one of my favorite of the recent Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. Anyone who has gone on a big family vacation will definitely find the truth and humor in this book.

Young Adult

  •  The White Guy Dies First edited by Terry J. Benton-Walker: These 13 horror stories had something for everyone! Like all anthologies, there were some truly amazing stories while others that weren’t for me, but overall it was a fascinating read that definitely caused some nightmares.
  • Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White: This is my first AJ White book, but it will definitely not be my last. It is hard to explain this complicated, dark, thought-provoking, anger-inducing, and twisty novel which tackles Appalachia, gender identity, neurodivergency, revenge, history, and much more, but I can tell you that this was a book that I had trouble putting down and that has kept me thinking nonstop.
  • Saints of the Household by Ari Tison: This debut from Ari Tison is just gorgeously written, and I am so glad that I got to read Jay’s and Max’s story. I can definitely see how this book won all the accolades that it has, including the Walden Award from ALAN, and I loved seeing Ari speak at the ALAN workshop.
  • An Outbreak of Witchcraft by Deborah Noyes, Illustrated by Melissa Duffy: This is a historical heavy nonfiction graphic novel that truly delves into the hysteria of Salem.
  • The Lies we Conjure by Sarah Henning: This book is like The Inheritance Games but with witches! So many teens are going to love it, and they will not be wrong.
  • Wander in the Dark by Jumata Emill: Amir leaves a party with Chloe and falls asleep at her house. When he wakes up, he finds her murdered, and immediately becomes a suspect. Wander in the Dark is murder mystery thriller which has a twist that takes it in a dark direction that is discovered by Amir and his half brother as they work to solve the mystery.
  • Huda F Wants to Know? by Huda Fahmy: I have loved everyone of Huda’s books, and this one is no exception. She just knows how to combine humor and important topics in the perfect way.
  • Lying in the Deep by Diana Urban: So much murder on this boat, and there isn’t much you can do to get away when you all are stuck on the sea together! Murder mystery fans will find themselves on the edge of their seat while trying to figure out what is going on.
  • Murder Between Friends by Liz Lawson: This murder mystery starts with the Jake, the boy that had been found guilty of murdering his high school teacher being, released on a technicality, and when Jake’s brother begins to try to clear his name, he finds himself in the middle of a dark secret.
  • Fortune’s Kiss by Amber Clement: Fortune’s Kiss is about dreams and what the characters will risk to achieve their dreams. This book filled with mystery, death, deceit, friendship, and romance keeps the reader guessing as two best friends, Matyé and Lo, gamble everything in hopes of gaining what they want and are worthy of.

Kid Lit

  • I am a Space Tiger by Jarod Roselló: This silly series is going to definitely be a favorite of so many young readers! Perfect for fans of Mo Willems’s Unlimited Squirrel series, Ben Clanton’s Tater Tales, and other silly long-form picture books!

And you can always learn more about any of the books I’ve been reading by checking out my read bookshelf on Goodreads.


This is my week off; I’ll update you on what I’m reading next week!




Tuesday: Educators’ Guide for The Hotel Balzaar by Kate DiCamillo

Sunday: Author’s Guest Post: “Classic Remixes: On Learning to Appreciate Jane Austen” by Tirzah Price, Author of In Want of a Suspect


Link up below and go check out what everyone else is reading. Please support other bloggers by viewing and commenting on at least 3 other blogs. If you tweet about your Monday post, tag the tweet with #IMWAYR!

 Signature andRickiSig

Author Guest Post: “Fostering Empathy in Kids Through Literature” by Claire Swinarski, Author of Take it From the Top


“Fostering Empathy Through Literature”

Most kids are, by their nature, self-centered. This is developmentally appropriate: after all, they’re learning who they are and building up their self-esteem. Children should be focused on themselves. Think of babies, who will happily ruin a wedding or concert by screaming simply because they’re hungry or uncomfortable. Their entire world is their needs and desires.

We do not, however, want kids to stay that way. A large part of growing into an adult is recognizing that there’s an entire world that exists outside of yourself, and that your viewpoint is not the be-all-end-all of a given situation.

That said, teaching empathy is one of the most difficult tasks of a parent, teacher, or caregiver. But luckily, one of the easiest tools at our disposal is a robust reading list.

In my latest novel, Take It from the Top, kids are able to see the exact same events from two different perspectives. Eowyn, who comes from a one-parent household filled with both grief and financial resources, experiences things very differently than Jules, who comes from a family that’s short on cash but rich in affection and affirmation. These two have done what children are so good at doing: looking past differences in order to create a friendship based on love, joy, and common interests. But, at the ripe age of thirteen, as they transition from being children to being young adults, those differences are feeling starker and heavier.

How do books like Take It from the Top help form empathy in kids?

  • Books give kids a safe space to discuss complicated topics. Within stories, kids are able to ask questions that might otherwise feel awkward. They can see the missteps of certain characters—like how Jules struggles to understand Eowyn’s grief, or how Eowyn misinterprets Jules’s envy—and learn from them without making them on their own. So many topics these days are heated and we require perfection in conversations. But kids are imperfect, just like us! They need time and space to learn about issues and form their opinions.
  • Books help kids see themselves. Take It from the Top takes place at a summer camp for musical theater. Will most kids go to a summer camp for musical theater? No. But that doesn’t mean they won’t be in positions where they’re competing with friends, or feeling left out of friend groups, or being disappointed by their own lack of skills in any given department. They can identify problems within books, helping to illuminate these problems in their own lives. By understanding themselves better, they can better regulate their emotional responses.
  • Books help kids explore perspectives they’re unfamiliar with. Kids are laser-focused on their own lives because at their young age, that’s all they’ve really known. Depending on their circumstances, they may be surrounded by a wide diversity of thoughts and experiences, but they may not be. Books allow kids to experience things from different points of view and understand what it’s like for kids that are radically different from themselves.
  • Books fill kids’ hearts with hope. Lastly, any good middle grade book should point kids towards hope. That doesn’t always mean a happy ending—it’s not a spoiler alert to say that Jules doesn’t win the lottery at the end of Take It from the Top, and Eowyn’s mom doesn’t suddenly come back to life. Grief and hardship are real, and kids know that. But what they need to be reminded of is that they can handle grief and hardship. They can be equipped with virtue and courage so that these difficulties become manageable burdens, not all-consuming difficulties. It’s impossible to have empathy without hope for connection.

By reading and discussing books like Take It from the Top, kids can grow in empathy and begin the complicated process of moving from me to we.

Published November 19th, 2024 by Quill Tree Books

About the Book: Set at a camp over the course of six summers, this novel dives into the falling-out of two girls from different backgrounds who thought they’d be friends forever. Claire Swinarski, Edgar Award nominee of the ALA Notable What Happened to Rachel Riley?, tackles privilege, perspective, and the power of friendship in this page-turning puzzle that readers will devour.

Eowyn Becker has waited all year to attend her sixth summer at Lamplighter Lake Summer Camp. Here, she’s not in the shadow of her Broadway-star older brother; she’s a stellar performer in her own right. Here, the pain of her mom’s death can’t reach her, and she gets to reunite with her best friend, Jules Marrigan—the only person in the world who understands her.

But when she gets to camp, everything seems wrong. The best-friend reunion Eowyn had been dreaming of doesn’t go as planned. Jules will barely even look at Eowyn, let alone talk to her, and Eowyn has no idea why.

Well, maybe she does…

There are two sides to every story, and if you want to understand this one, you’ll need to hear both. Told in a series of alternating chapters that dip back to past summers, the girls’ story will soon reveal how Eowyn and Jules went from being best friends to fierce foils. Can they mend ways before the curtains close on what was supposed to be the best summer of their lives?

About the Author: Claire Swinarski is the author of multiple books for both kids and adults. Her writing has been featured in the Washington PostSeventeenMilwaukee magazine, and many other publications. She lives in small-town Wisconsin with her husband and three kids, where she writes books, wears babies, and wrangles bread dough.

Thank you, Claire, for supporting our belief that books are the key to empathy!

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 12/2/24


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
For readers of all ages

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly blog hop we host which focuses on sharing what we’re reading. This Kid Lit version of IMWAYR focuses primarily on books marketed for kids and teens, but books for readers of all ages are shared. We love this community and how it offers opportunities to share and recommend books with each other.

The original IMWAYR, with an adult literature focus, was started by Sheila at Book Journeys and is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. The Kid Lit IMWAYR was co-created by Kellee & Jen at Teach Mentor Texts.

We encourage you to write your own post sharing what you’re reading, link up below, leave a comment, and support other IMWAYR bloggers by visiting and commenting on at least three of the other linked blogs.

Happy reading!



Today is my day off from IMWAYR, but you can learn more about any of the books I’ve been reading by checking out my read bookshelf on Goodreads.


It is the last week of classes, so I am swamped! Kellee will be back with her update next week, and I’ll be back the week after that.


Sunday: Author Guest Post: “Fostering Empathy in Kids Through Literature” by Claire Swinarski, Author of Take it From the Top


Link up below and go check out what everyone else is reading. Please support other bloggers by viewing and commenting on at least 3 other blogs. If you tweet about your Monday post, tag the tweet with #IMWAYR!

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