Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.
I went a little rogue on the topic. We missed the fairy tale retellings last week because we were celebrating a book birthday, and I really wanted to feature it. So, when we saw that this week’s topic (Authors We’ve Read The Most From) was very close to a past TTT (All-time Favorite Authors), I decided to visit last week’s topic instead. Enjoy!
Today’s Topic: Ten Favorite Fairy Tale Retellings
I love reading books that fracture, twist, and retell fairy tales. These are my favorites (in no particular order)!
1. The Cat, the Dog, Little Red, the Exploding Eggs, the Wolf, and Grandma by Diane Fox
Such a hilarious picture book! Cat is reading “Little Red Riding Hood” to her friend, Dog, but he keeps interrupting asking questions that Cat is not prepared, or doesn’t want, to answer. Dog is so funny, and Cat’s reactions really make the book.
2. Rump: The True Story of Rumpelstiltskin by Shurtliff, Liesl
This retelling of Rumpelstiltskin jumped immediately to the top of my favorite retellings list because I felt that she has made a wonderful, fantastical world and was able to see Rumpelstiltskin as more than just an antagonist. I also felt that the book did have a moral, as all fairy tales should, but it is one that creeps up on you at the end and is such a great discussion starter.
3. The League of Princes Series by Christopher Healy
Christopher Healy’s series is just plain HILARIOUS and well done! It reminds me a bit of Shrek except I liked the humor in The League better because I feel it is a very smart funny. Just the concept is funny and smart- the four Princes Charming from the “Snow White,” “Cinderella,” “Rapunzel,” and “Sleeping Beauty” stories star in this book (unlike the original stories where they don’t even get credit with their real name!) and the Princes each have such a fun, unique personality.
4. A Tale Dark and Grimm by Adam Gidwitz
In this combination of versions of Grimm fairy tales, Adam Gidwitz takes you through Hansel and Gretel’s full adventure. In this bloody and gruesome tale, they face the devil, a dragon, a warlock, a witch, death, and many other adventures.
Gidwitz has other companion books in the series, but I have not read them yet; however, I am sure they are as well done as this one.
5. Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George
Princess of the Midnight Ball retells the Grimm tale of The Twelve Dancing Princesses and is quite the adventure filled with fantasy and romance.
6. Ice by Sarah Beth Durst and Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow by Jessica Day George
These two books are retellings of the same Norwegian fairy tale (that is a bit like Beauty and the Beast); however, they are very much separate and independent novels even if there is a little bit of overlap. Ice deals more with the romance and love of the fairy tale while Sun and Moon… deals with loyalty and trust.
7. Into the Wild by Sarah Beth Durst
Into the Wild starts out of the wild. All of the fairy tale characters can finally live normal lives and not have to rely on their story to tell them what to do, but only as long as the wild is contained. When it is unleashed, it is up to Rapunzel’s daughter Julie to save her family and friends from being caught in their story.
8. Fables series by Bill Willingham
In Willingham’s series, fairy tale and fable characters have been exiled and have to disguise themselves as normal citizens in New York; however, they are anything but normal.
9. Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon Hale
Rapunzel kicks some major butt in this one. Rapunzel’s story takes place in the Wild West in Hale’s retelling of the classic. After Rapunzel escapes her “mother’s” imprisonment, revenge is on her mind.
10. Briar Rose by Jane Yolen
A mix of historical fiction and a fairy tale retelling. Becca is a journalist and when her grandmother, Gemma, dies, she promises her that the will find out the truth behind her grandmother’s constant retelling of “Sleeping Beauty” as her life story. All Becca has is the story that Gemma told, a box of photos and documents, and the promise. With this, Gemma begins to learn more and more about her mysterious grandmother.
Which fairy tale retellings have you enjoyed the most?