Nonfiction Wednesday
Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday is hosted by Kid Lit Frenzy and was started to help promote the reading of nonfiction texts. Most Wednesdays, we will be participating and will review a nonfiction text (though it may not always be a picture book).
Be sure to visit Kid Lit Frenzy and see what other nonfiction books are shared this week!
Coyote Moon
Author: Maria Gianferrari
Illustrator: Bagram Ibatoulline
Published July 19th, 2016 by Roaring Brook Press
Summary: A howl in the night.
A watchful eye in the darkness.
A flutter of movement among the trees.
In the dark of the night, a mother coyote stalks prey to feed her hungry pups. Her hunt takes her through a suburban town, where she encounters a mouse, a rabbit, a flock of angry geese, and finally an unsuspecting turkey on the library lawn
Perhaps Coyote’s family won’t go hungry today.
About the Author: Maria writes both fiction and nonfiction picture books from her sunny, book-lined study in northern Virginia, with dog, Becca as her muse. Maria’s debut picture book, Penny & Jelly: The School Show, illustrated by Thyra Heder, was released in July 2015 (HMH Books for Young Readers); a companion book, Penny & Jelly Slumber Under the Stars, was released in mid-June. Her debut nonfiction book, Coyote Moon, illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline, will be published by Roaring Brook Press in July and is a Junior Library Guild Selection. In October, Aladdin Books for Young Readers will publish another fiction title, Officer Katz & Houndini: A Tale of Two Tails, illustrated by Danny Chatzikonstantinou. Maria has five additional books forthcoming from Roaring Brook Press, Boyds Mills Press and GP Putnam’s Sons. To learn more about Maria, visit her at on Facebook or Instagram.
Kellee’s Review: I love how this piece of narrative nonfiction is told. Although it is in third person (for most of the book), it gets the reader into the head of the coyote. It takes the reader on her nightly hunt for survival, and the suspense of the hunt is palpable. In addition to the fantastic way the story is told, the realistic and beautiful illustrations bring everything to life.
Ricki’s Review: The beautiful cover of this book reflects the mysterious, dark illustrations that will surely lure readers. I loved how the book is written in the narrative nonfiction style. I was learning about coyotes but enjoying this information through a captivating story. This is a book that will most certainly appeal to students. I can imagine a group of kids, listening to this book with wide eyes. I think it will inspire them to want to know even more about this majestic creature.
Teachers’ Tools for Navigation: There are a few different ways that this text could be considered in the classroom. First, it is an interesting text to discuss point of view choices specifically because this book is told in third AND Second point of view. Also, this book could be the jumping off point for a student who wants to learn more about coyotes. Finally, Coyote Moon would be a perfect writing mentor text. Students could research their own animal then tell their animal’s story in a very detailed and similar way or with a different point of view choice.
Discussion Questions: How do the young coyotes survive while their mother is away?; What are some survival techniques that the prey use to escape from the coyote’s grasp?; What writing choices did the author make to help the reader become more involved in the story?; What point of view is the text in?; Is this text nonfiction or fiction?;
Flagged Passages:

Read This If You Loved: Frozen Wild: How Animals Survive in the Coldest Places on Earth by Jim Arnosky, Flight of the Honey Bee by Raymond Huber, When Lunch Fights Back: Wickedly Clever Animal Defenses by Rebecca L. Johnson, Eye to Eye: How Animals See the World by Steve Jenkins,
Recommended For:
Don’t miss out on the other stops on the COYOTE MOON blog tour!
FRI 7/15: Pragmatic Mom
MON 7/18: Nonfiction Detectives
TUES 7/19: Debtastic Reads
WED 7/20: Kid Lit Frenzy
THURS 7/21: Librarian’s Quest
FRI 7/22: Kidlit411
MON 7/25: The Reading Zone
TUES 7/26: Bartography
WED 7/27: Unleashing Readers
**Thank you to Maria for providing copies for review!
And thank you to Roaring Book Press for providing a copy for giveaway!**
Thanks for showcasing Coyote Moon on your blog, Kellee & Ricki!
I just reviewed this book as well. Will definitely be recommending it.
Thanks, Earl 🙂
Love the idea of this lovely book used as an m-f mentor text. And I want to read it too. We have coyotes in our neighborhood and everyone is on alert when out walking in the evening. People versus animals is something to think about even in the city!
I agree, Linda! I hope you will like it :).
I’m looking forward to finding this one. We have coyotes in our area, but they seem to be more of a nuisance than anything else. I’d love to read a different perspective!
I hope you’ll like it, Michele :). I think co-existence with wild creatures is very important Where do you live?
Have been looking forward to reading this book since its pub date was first announced! I’m the champion of the “underdog,” including coyotes (whom I also wrote about in “Catskill Creatures”).