Seven Books (in no particular order) that Will Put a Smile on Your Face by Cooper B., 7th Grade
The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
This is a feels the good book is about a girl and her brother who runs away from her abusive mother to a new town who soon she will love.
Trevor Noah: Born A Crime by Trevor Noah
This is a memoir about a comedian who retells his life in South Africa. The book is hilarious and witty about Trevor’s not so smart things that he did as a boy.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
This is a feels good book about a farmer who goes to Egypt to find his true passion that does not involve his sheep.
Where The Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
A funny poem book about all things and everything.
Ethan Marcus Stands Up by Michele Weber Hurwitz
This is about Ethan Marcus who stands up for what he believes in. This will make your day with Marcus’s humor and devotion to what he believes in.
Ungifted by Gordan Korman
This is a book about Donovan Curtis who is reckless and is accidentally put in a gifted school and he tries to make new friends who are all way smarter than him. This book is funny, surprising, and great.
Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
This is a hilarious classic book about kids getting into and out of trouble.
Thank you, Zack, for this inspiring piece!