Student Voices: Opinion Editorials from Connor A., 7th grade, and Aditi S. & Leticia Z., 8th grade


Opinion Editorials

“Books vs. Movies” by Connor A., 7th grade

Today, I would like to discuss one of the age-old debates of all time – books versus movies. People have always wondered which one is better, and there is no clear answer. Both books and movies have their own unique qualities and drawbacks. In this discussion, we will explore some popular books that have movies and see which one is better for each. This post is my personal opinion about these books and movies; it is okay to have different opinions.

Harry Potter Series

Overall, the Harry Potter books are much better than the movies. Although it is magical to see the wizarding world come to life, the films cut out a lot of great information, scenes, and sometimes even whole parts of the books! Reading the Harry Potter books brings you to another dimension and it makes your imagination run wild.

The Lord of the Rings

I believe that the movie is better when it comes to the Lord of the Rings. I think that this is because the books don’t give a great image in your head while the movie allows you to see the Lord of the Rings perfectly. The special effects that the movie includes are amazing and make The Lord of the Rings world come to life. This movie and book are really good, however, the movie stands out more.


Holes was the first chapter book that I ever read, and after reading it, I had to watch the movie. After reading the book and watching the movie, I can say that the book is much better than the movie. Although both the movie and the book are phenomenal, the book gives so much more detail and makes the reading more interesting.

The Hunger Games

I believe that The Hunger Games is better as a movie than a book. The movie really builds the anticipation in a way that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The cast is perfect as the main characters. Although the books are amazing, it isn’t until the movie that Panem really comes to life.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

When it comes to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid, I believe that the book is better than the movie. While the movie is entertaining, the book provides a much more detailed and personal insight into the life of Greg Heffley. The book allows the reader to get inside Greg’s head and experience his thoughts and feelings in a way that the movie cannot. Additionally, the illustrations in the book really add to the overall experience and bring the characters and story to life. Overall, while the movie is enjoyable, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book is the way to go.

“Digital vs. Physical Books” by Aditi S., 8th grade

In today’s era, significant advancements have been made, and one of the most prominent changes in the reading world is e-books. Although most readers are accustomed to traditional paperbacks, the advantages of digital reading have led to an increasing number of people embracing e-books. However, physical books still hold a special place in the hearts of numerous readers.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Physical Books

For centuries, physical books have been in use and were widely preferred before the emergence of e-reading. Many individuals who enjoy reading physical books often express their love for the feeling of the book in their hands, and the aroma that emanates from the pages. They find it comforting to turn the pages physically and appreciate the time away from screens while indulging in their passion. Nevertheless, physical books also have drawbacks, with one of the most significant being the potential for damage to the book, and the inability to store multiple books on one small screen, unlike a Kindle. Kindles allow you to carry numerous books wherever you go in a small, compact device, which allows for reading everywhere without many restrictions. 

The Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Books

In recent years, electronic books, or e-books, have gained immense popularity and become a phenomenon in the world of literature enthusiasts. One of the key advantages of e-books is their ability to store multiple books in a single, compact device, which has the potential to encourage early readers and motivate them to explore a variety of literary works. Moreover, e-books offer a wide range of possibilities for readers, as they are not limited by the number of physical books they can carry. However, to access e-books, readers require a device with internet connectivity, although some e-books can be downloaded for offline reading. This feature ensures that readers can carry their books everywhere they go and access them easily.  On the downside, e-books can be slightly harmful to one’s eyesight due to the screen on which they are read, which can cause eye strain when read for extended periods. In addition, the books cannot be worn down or ripped apart due to it being digital. In addition, many readers complain about the lack of the ink-like aroma that emanates from the book’s pages and the joy of turning pages.

Personal Opinion

The preference for digital books has grown in recent years due to their ability to aid in managing holds, loans, and the storage of numerous other books without the burden of physical baggage. In addition, digital books allow for quick and easy searching of words, making it easier to look up the definition of unfamiliar vocabulary. Furthermore, digital books offer a more comprehensive view of contemporary reading trends, enabling readers to expand their reading list. Additionally, digital books provide greater flexibility in terms of reading locations, as they do not require a specific amount of light for readability. This shift in preference towards digital books reflects the growing importance of technology in modern society can simply search up the word to know instantly what that word means. It also makes it a lot easier to see what people are reading nowadays and maybe add some books to your want-to-red list. Digital books are more flexible to reading locations as well since they don’t require the same amount of light for someone to read the book. 

Regarding the debate between digital books and physical books, it is important to consider their respective advantages and disadvantages based on one’s personal preferences. While some readers may prioritize the tactile experience of physically turning pages, others may value the convenience of saving multiple books in a small space. Nevertheless, the love of reading is a universal phenomenon, cherished by countless individuals around the globe. Indeed, the ability to enjoy a good book is a precious gift not everyone is fortunate enough to have.


“How Reading Tastes Change Over Time” by Leticia Z., 8th grade

When we start our life reading we start with books with vibrant colors, little text, and a lot of images to get our attention because when we are young we don’t like to read all the little words grouped  on the big pages that we have in the books, so we like the graphic novels, the shorts stories, and is even better when the books have this tiny pages, with big letters and images. 

When we turn teenagers we start to find more of the joy of reading, we start the tests with the GIANTS texts that force us to start current readings for training, but when we really get the first book that we really enjoy reading we find the most precious thing, the emotion and the crazies feelings of enjoy a good book. 

Differently than our young times when we are adults we have more responsibility and we really need to find time to enjoy a good book, but we start to find different types of books, because we want to learn even in the rest time, our lives start to go crazy with all the big changes, so we need to enjoy the book to start to like reading again. 

When we already have our life on track, we enjoy reading for fun and we make our readings interesting to our families too, by reading to our little ones and we start to read even to make a good meal. 

Thank you so much to my student voices today; I loved sharing your opinions and thoughts!

1 thought on “Student Voices: Opinion Editorials from Connor A., 7th grade, and Aditi S. & Leticia Z., 8th grade”

  1. What a wonderful post! Love seeing these young readers’ opinions on books! I was especially interested to see which books won out over movies in a middle school reader’s mind – I was surprised by Hunger Games (I loved the books-especially the first two), but the rest all fell right where I expected them to. Thanks for your thoughts!


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