Sofia’s YA Book Nook: Five Survive by Holly Jackson


Sofia is a 13-year-old brilliant reader who aspires to be a book reviewer. Since she was 8 years old, on select Saturdays, Sofia shares her favorite books with other young people her age! She is one of the most well-read youth that we know, so she is highly qualified for this role!

Dear readers,

Hello and let me introduce you to Five Survive by Holly Jackson! I love this thriller that takes place in the middle of nowhere and think it would actually make for a nice rainy day or snowy day read. I read Five Survive with my mom in our book club and we both loved it! The fact that every chapter ends in a cliff hanger made us want to keep going! Since this book is so suspenseful, I also think it would be a good pick to get a reluctant reader hooked on books!

Goodreads Summary

Eight hours. Six friends. One sniper… Eighteen year old Red and her friends are on a road trip in an RV, heading to the beach for Spring Break. It’s a long drive but spirits are high. Until the RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere. There’s no mobile phone reception and nobody around to help. And as the wheels are shot out, one by one, the friends realise that this is no accident. There’s a sniper out there in the dark watching them and he knows exactly who they are. One of the group has a secret that the sniper is willing to kill for. A game of cat-and-mouse plays out as the group desperately tries to get help and to work out which member of the group is the target. Buried secrets are forced to light in the cramped, claustrophobic setting of the RV, and tensions within the group will reach deadly levels. Not everyone will survive the night.

My Thoughts

This is a truly amazing thriller! I feel like this would be more of a winter book than a summer book, so if you are looking for a book with “summer vibes”, this might not be it for you! Otherwise, this book is truly fantastic! I love Holly Jackson’s work, especially the Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series. I feel like it keeps you on the edge of your seat and fully immerses you into the book. For example, I was definitely holding my breath in multiple of the life threatening situations in Five Survive! My mom said that she liked “learning more about the characters, their relationships, and backstories.” We also always wondered who the sniper could be after. Questions like this led us to have really in-depth conversations, sharing our different perspectives and theories. We didn’t see the ending coming!

Five Survive is recommended for ages 14-17 and I mostly agree. I think that most adults would enjoy this (my mom did!) so almost any age can read it. As for the minimum age, I think it is fine to read for anyone who can handle murder, drugs, and guns/shooting. It is quite thrilling and a little scary.

**Thanks so much, Sofia!**

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