Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.
Today’s Topic: Bookish Pet Peeves
We were inspired by this awesome post, and we wanted to add our own!
1. Coincidences
You met your long-lost father while you were hitchhiking? Really?
2. Predictable plot twists
There is a murder. Introduce the mysterious (obvious) guy. Introduce his lovable friend. The lovable friend is always the murderer, isn’t he?
3. Amnesia
It’s so rare, but it isn’t rare in fiction.
4. The charming new guy in town
He walks into the classroom with his brooding face and slides smoothly into the seat.
5. Books that follow trends (just to follow trends)
Why can’t we have just a few vampire books, so we don’t all get sick of vampires? It will be thirty years before I can read another book that has a vampire in it.
This one was actually really hard for me. I usually am not bothered by much; however, here are some things that do seem to be overdone in YAL in particular.
1. LBTGQ being treated like a rarity
Being gay is not rare and is not weird, so I hate when a gay character is treated as such
2. Girls being treated lesser
It still happens in 2015! I really don’t like when girls fit a “lesser than” stereotype.
3. Stereotypes
Actually, any stereotypical character bothers me.
4. Girls having no positive interactions with other girls
Not all girls hate each other and fight over boys.
4. Love triangles
I know, I know. It makes it more interesting, but it seems like love triangles happen a lot more in YAL than in real life.
What are your bookish pet peeves?
Love triangles are one of mine, for sure! My TTT
You guys came up with some good ones! Like Kellee, I’m not bothered too much by what goes on in fiction – I am generally able to just go along for the ride.
That said, I don’t have much patience for predictable plots (love what Ricki said about it’s always the nice friend! lol), and I’m not too fond of novels where there are NO likeable characters (like Gone Girl) – I like to have someone to root for!
Great lists!
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